Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Wondering who's heard this album.

It's been a while since a straight metal album has blown my mind like this one. I've only been listening to it for a day, but jeez... the production job is perfect for the music.

It's like the best parts of a number of extreme metal bands. Vocals sound like Vader, solos have the corny Nile vibe, production sounds like Hypocrisy (on crack, sideways), riffs sound like Zyklon.

Minus the heavy over-mastering that's killing the low-end on the album, and the distortion, this is one fantastic release. Kicking my ass more than Annihilation of the Wicked did.
All these modern extreme metal bands sound really uninspired, bland and not extreme. I tried to listen to this album when it came out but no.
Like all the other polish death metal bands they sound ok.
The problem with almost all those bands = they don`t stand out.
They all sound good but after 3 listenings you don`t remember anything of it.
Shit another DM band from my country gets international recognition...

But sadly, I do agree with Deadlift as most bands just try to copy Vader who made it out there first... Decapitated left this period behind from what I hear but still they don't impress me that much, even live... I'll see them again in a months time and see what changed...
The latest carries definitely more essence in the music. My favorite album by them up to now. The Negation and Nihility discs were... on the boring side.
metal_wrath said:
For being in their teens, they have loads of talent and can write riffs and solos, but imo they can't put together a song.

Um, they were teens when they started playing and that was like 8 years ago... I don't think you can call them teens anymore

carry on
metal_wrath said:
For being in their teens, they have loads of talent and can write riffs and solos, but imo they can't put together a song.

Dude they were in the teens on Winds and Nihility just but not anymore....
Also your statement contradicts itself btw...
You truly are a dum shit
Moonlapse said:
Wondering who's heard this album.

It's been a while since a straight metal album has blown my mind like this one. I've only been listening to it for a day, but jeez... the production job is perfect for the music.

It's like the best parts of a number of extreme metal bands. Vocals sound like Vader, solos have the corny Nile vibe, production sounds like Hypocrisy (on crack, sideways), riffs sound like Zyklon.

Minus the heavy over-mastering that's killing the low-end on the album, and the distortion, this is one fantastic release. Kicking my ass more than Annihilation of the Wicked did.

I think its an alright release....
If you havent already heard their first to albums, Winds of Creation and Nihilty, check them out, they are way better!!!
Ive been listening to this album this week and i really like it. I really like the guitarists riff work.

Quite alot different from their previous albums.