

Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Why do people like these guys? Is it because they're like 12 years old or something? They offer absolutely nothing innovative, original, or even above average.

While the guys are certainly proficient at their instruments, their music is just bland death metal. This brand of death metal has been done to death over and over again.

It's not horrible, but it just lacks any staying power whatsoever. Of course, this is based on one listen to Nihility, so it might be premature to be judgmental. But honestly, I see myself having no desire to play this ever again.

File under: Blood Red Throne/Vader/Cannibal Corpse

I only have "Nihility" and I think it's so ultra-polished, it's almost cool in that 'mechanical' machinery sense -- particularly when driving. Works better at 80mph! But yes, otherwise this is definitely straight-forward DM, and can only be listened to in short, sharp, controlled bursts. I would never need more than this one album from them, and I hear their other shit is inferior anyway.

Vader is good for fans of Slayer, so yeah, makes sense you wouldn't dig Vader.

If there is one thing I can agree upon almost 100% with J, it's death metal. He likes the same epic, mystical, crushing, battle hammering shitz as me. Just give me: Bolt Thrower, Nile, Pestilence, Rudra, early Amon Amarth, latter The Chasm, and of course, the king of kings, Aeternus.
Nihility is incredibly boring, and the production stinks. Winds of creation is leaps and bounds above it. The negation is also a lot better.
JayKeeley said:
If there is one thing I can agree upon almost 100% with J, it's death metal. He likes the same epic, mystical, crushing, battle hammering shitz as me. Just give me: Bolt Thrower, Nile, Pestilence, Rudra, early Amon Amarth, latter The Chasm, and of course, the king of kings, Aeternus.

There it is. :kickass:
Nihility required countless listens from me to let it sink in (yes, countless :loco:) ...
But when I first heard Spheres of Madness, I was floored ...
Tranquillian said:
Aeternus is not a patch on for instance Amon Amarth. sorry, but that's the way it is.

Which Aeternus era do you refer to? Either way, if I take my favourite Aeternus album (...and so the night became) and compared it to my favorite Amon Amarth (Once Sent...), I'd hand it to Aeternus.

For consistency though, I couldn't tell ya. I only know the first three Aeternus releases.
Aeternus own Amon Amarth in any way possible, it's not even funny. I love both bands, but c'mon, lets be serious.

I own everything by both bands, and while early AA is much better than latter Aeternus, nothing AA has released can compete with Aeternus' first 3 releases.

Common sense, really.
I liked the riffage. Decapitated was just a fun listen like so much of death metal, fun but really not very rewarding.

As much as I liked their first two releases, I got bored of them pretty fast. Maybe I'll pop 'em in my car next time I'm out though.
J. said:
Aeternus own Amon Amarth in any way possible, it's not even funny. I love both bands, but c'mon, lets be serious.

I own everything by both bands, and while early AA is much better than latter Aeternus, nothing AA has released can compete with Aeternus' first 3 releases.

Common sense, really.

No way, boring riffing that doesn't go anywhere. Almost no hooks to speak of. But the classical guitar parts are great.
What Aeternus albums do you own?

Here's the way I look at it:

Early Aeternus>Early AA>>>>>>>>>>>latter Aeternus>latter AA

I can't, for the life of me, get into post-Avenger AA. So goddamn boring and spent. They've clearly run out of ideas. For some reason Bolt Thrower makes it sound fresh. AA doesn't.

And while hardly classics, latter Aeternus (post-ASTNB) does offer some great pummeling tracks, especially on Shadows of Old and Ascension of Terror. But ther is a reason why their first three are hailed as classic masterpieces.

Of course, this is just the way I see it. AA is just outgunned against Aeternus. For one, Aeternus possesses the finest growler in metal.
I never got what was so special about Ares' growls. Only album I own is "Beyond the Wandering Moon", but really, there isn't much about his growls that rank them above and beyond others of the genre... I don't listen to much DM, so I dunno who, but I've heard a lot of it in the past and would remember if Ares was waaay above the rest, wouldn't I?

J, do you wanna remind me what's so good about old Aeternus? I haven't listened to BtWM in months and I'd like to dig it out, but I need a bit of incentive.
It really comes down to personal preference. What are you looking for in growls? You know.

For me, Ares typifes power, precision, deep bellows (as opposed to raspy), and you can understand him. But you even say you don't listen to much death metal (though Aeternus blurs the line between black and death), so that might be reason why you can't compare him to others. It's probably like me comparing the Slough Feg vocalist to otherclean vocalists. I just don't like it.

Well, BtWM is one of my favorite albums. Listen to Sworn Revenge, Sentinels of Darkness and the Celtic Harp Solo. If you don't like it, man, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say.
well, for me death vocals comes down to two of the more clearly understandable guys in the genre (I believe), Mike Akerfeldt and Dan Swano, 'cause they're the two I've listiened to the most, for the longest time, and so on and so forth. these guys don't play strict death metal (Bloodbath aside) but their vocal styles are surely DM vocals. My favourite by far is Akerfeldt. I think out of the Opeth albums, he sounded best on Orchid, where he screamed more than growled, but overall my favourite might be his performance on Brave Murder Day. I don't know if Ares could match up with that, but we'll see, I'll spin Beyond the Wandering Moon tonight when I go to sleep.
Demilich said:
well, for me death vocals comes down to two of the more clearly understandable guys in the genre (I believe), Mike Akerfeldt and Dan Swano, 'cause they're the two I've listiened to the most, for the longest time, and so on and so forth. these guys don't play strict death metal (Bloodbath aside) but their vocal styles are surely DM vocals. My favourite by far is Akerfeldt. I think out of the Opeth albums, he sounded best on Orchid, where he screamed more than growled, but overall my favourite might be his performance on Brave Murder Day. I don't know if Ares could match up with that, but we'll see, I'll spin Beyond the Wandering Moon tonight when I go to sleep.

OK, I see where we differ. Personally, I don't like Swano's vocals, clean and growled. He's OK, but I wouldn't buy an album strictly because it involved Swano's vocals. He was at his best in early EoS.

Akerfeldt is better than Swano. While I love Orchid, it's not his best performance. I'm not a big fan of those screamy growls (found in AA as well). His best performances were BMD and the Bloodbath EP. Clearly enuciated and passionate.

And that is why I find Ares as the best. As well as being passionate in his vocals, he also delivers with pure power and might, and a sense of a rumbling, thundering "epicness", though that may have something to do with the music.

Sworn Revenge:

I have sworn by my own blood
that this undoing
will be revenged
by my father's sword
