Dee Snyder is Still Cool


Apr 14, 2008
Paul Ryan apparently played the Twisted Sister track "We're Not Gonna Take It" at a Pennsylvania rally this week, and Snider ... well, he couldn't take it.

"I emphatically denounce Paul Ryan's use of my band Twisted Sister's song, 'We're Not Gonna Take It,' in any capacity," Snider said in a statement. "There is almost nothing he stands for that I agree with - except the use of P90X."

One of my favorite lines in any rock song EVER is,
‎"Oh you're so condescending, you're gall is neverending!"

Pure poetry!
"We don't want nothing, not a thing from you.
Your life is trite and jaded
Boring and confiscated
If that's your best, your best won't do."

One of the best block of lyrics in any rock song!

Go ahead and try and write a song like We're Not Gonna Take It. I dare you!

Paul Ryan is a fuckwit. He goes on and one about Ayn Rand, and how she has influenced him, and plays We're Not Gonna Take It, when both of these are against everything he stands for. Dee Snyder is saying we are not going to take shit from the likes of you, Romney and Paul! You religious fascist scumbag elite pricks! He realizes Ayn Rand is above the reading level of the majority of his voters, so they will never figure it out. These dumb right wing religious zealots can't even understand their own bible, you think they can get through the 1000+ pages of Atlas Shrugged? Maybe if Fox News told them to read it they could attempt it.

The best thing would be if nobody voted at all. Not one single person voted for anyone and we truly said We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore! Allow anarchy to work itself out. They don't care about us, they don't know us, we are chickens in line to the slaughter for all they care. I don't care how nice Obama's smile is, it's just a Jedi mind trick. Wake the fuck up people! This game has been played for way too long.

"We'll Fight The Powers That Be
Just don't Pick Our Destiny 'cause
You Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong"