Deep Purple - 1974 Cal Jam


OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005
And people thought we were nuts? Here is some wild scenes from 1974 Cal Jam.
Keep you eye on the stage aroun 3:15 for a wild scene.

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Legendary show with lots of great stories attached to it. The band wanted to close out California Jam but that honor went to Emerson Lake & Palmer. ABC-TV was one of the sponsors of the event. It was one of the rare cases where a festival actually ran ahead of schedule. ABC wanted Deep Purple to go on stage early but the band refused because they wanted to take the stage after the sun went down to maximize the pyro effects. ABC threatened to have the US marshals in attendance force the band on stage - Deep Purple literally hid on the fairgrounds until the sun went down. The reason Ritchie clobbered the tv camera was because he was so pissed off at ABC. The pyro tech was a bit overexhuberant when he loaded the charges and almost blew Glenn Hughes off the stage.

Priceless show...
Totally agree. I remember watching it when it first aired. I freaked out at the incredible line-up of bands -- all of my favorites from that golden era.

I love watching this DVD. It brings back a lot of memories.

There's a DVD to this??? Where? Where can I get it? :worship:notworthy
There's a DVD to this??? Where? Where can I get it? :worship:notworthy

Yeah. It's a DVD of their entire performance at Cal Jam 1974, with a run time of approximately 119 minutes. It's professionally done with commentaries, bonus material, a 4-page booklet and interactive menus (according to the back of the case -- I've never really looked at anything other than the booklet, which is good, and the DVD proper, so I can't vouch for the specialness of the special features).

It's still available on [ame=""]Amazon[/ame], but from Marketplace sellers. Apparently, it has been discontinued by the manufacturer. So if you're going to buy it, do so quickly. Price seems reasonable -- New and used from $10.35 to around $50. But five of them available for under $15.

As Ken Golden would say, "Highly recommended." Or, in this case, "Highest recommendation."

God, I love that stuff! I dig those classic guitar riffs, Coverdale's hipper-than-thou attitude (not to mention his amazing voice!), and the spectacle of rock shows back then. Ritchie Blackmore may be the biggest prick in the world (well, he's probably second to Yngwie). But, good lord, that man could PLAY!
