Deep Purple in Hungary


Active Member
Jan 18, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
I've heard that Deep Purple will come to Hungary;)

Wow, our whole family will rock in the concert haha:D
Has anyone more info? Please write here...

Thank you!

COBabe said:
what are you talking about? i don´t understand a word...oh, wait...i know who paul mccartney is :)

We're talking about a Paul Mccartney gig.

You got a lot of money? You wanna listening to shitty music? Go for Paul Mccartney Gig.

Few days ago there was here Elton John. The gig was priceless, but He won't to come here under 800.000 €. It sucks..
ah, now i understand :) i don´t like paul mccartney´s and elton john´s music...i prefer metal and some goth rock (metal) stuff...