Deep Purple last night

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
Can you believe in all my years I've never seen Deep Purple?Turns out one of my best friends Mr. Sam "Bam" Adato of Sam Adato's Drum shop here in SF got his band the Bridge to open & put me on the list.
I'm 40 years old & felt like one of the younger people there!!Lots of gray haired old fogies there.No pretty girls either!A far cry from a Heavy Metal show.
I had my Iron Maidens t-shirt on BTW!
Sam's band were well received.I understand DP have been trying to distance themselves with being associated from the Heavy Metal association.Ian Gillan wore a striped t-shirt that looked like something I wore in grade school,jeans & no shoes but his voice was fantastic!For a bunch of old guys that have been doing this so long they looked like they were having a ball up there & a lot of love for each other which was great to see.Bassist Roger Glover moved around a lot & drummer Ian Paice was amazing.I wish Richie Blackmore was still with them but then again that's probably why they're so damn happy in stage!
Guitarist Steve Morse has more of the Heavy Metal Edge & more of a bluesy style.I haven't seen keyboardist Dome Airey perform live since he was with Ozzy on the "Bark at the Moon " tour in '84!
Jeff Watson of Night Ranger made a guest appearance jamming with the band on "Smoke on the Water" the crowd was really in to it.Someone upstairs had a banner wishing Ian Gillan a happy birthday which Ian pointed at.Not really my thing but it was great tos ee guys that old still love playing together & have fun still.
How awesome. I saw DP once and that was the Perfect Strangers tour in the mid-to-late 80s. I was blown away at Ian's voice. It was so top notch and he could scream the high notes like Rob Halford. I'd love to see them again. I know that feeling of being an old fart too. Back when Halford toured as Halford and was touring with Iron Maiden and Queensryche, I remember everytime he played new stuff everybody was into it, but when he played an old 70's Priest song, the young fans just stood there while us older grey haired and bald farts were totally into it. It was pretty funny.
I saw Deep Purple in 2002. Steve Morse seems an odd choice to replace Blackmore. A virtuoso like Morse seems overqualified for Deep Purple, he can probably play those songs in his sleep.
I'm green with envy- I've never seen Deep Purple live... :cry:

I love Ian Gillan. His voice is just so powerful. :headbang: I recently found out he was the original voice of Jesus on Jesus Christ Superstar! I recall the movie but that Jesus was less than memorable. ( No sacrilege intended :p ) Ian as Jesus would have been something! Gonna have to look around for the original recording of this! A catholic schoolgirl's dream! :lol:
I saw DP at Cal Expo back in the 80's. I think Bad Co. opened... Anyway, It was an AWESOME show. I would love to see those guys rock on stage again.
I'm green with envy- I've never seen Deep Purple live... :cry:

I love Ian Gillan. His voice is just so powerful. :headbang: I recently found out he was the original voice of Jesus on Jesus Christ Superstar! I recall the movie but that Jesus was less than memorable. ( No sacrilege intended :p ) Ian as Jesus would have been something! Gonna have to look around for the original recording of this! A catholic schoolgirl's dream! :lol:

the sound track w/Gillan as Jesus is what's known as the "brown album" that's the one to look for.
Definitely a show I wish I could have been at.
It's funny.
I "discovered Deep Purple about 8-9 years ago. Sure, I had heard Smoke on the Water, Hush, and a few others, but I had the hunch to check out what other stuff they did, and found on awesome band. Then back in 2000 in went to MA for several months to reacquaint with my uncle, and his wife and kids, who I had only seen once in the past 10 years before.
When my uncle saw that I had a Deep Purple CD, he said "Holy shit! When you were a baby your mom and your grampy would be trying to get you to go to sleep with all kinds of various lullabies, but you still be fussin and cryin. I'd come home from work when they been doing this for and hour or so. I'd hold you, put on Machine Head, and you'd be out in less than a minute!"

I was nurtured on rock'n'roll from an early age.
When my uncle saw that I had a Deep Purple CD, he said "Holy shit! When you were a baby your mom and your grampy would be trying to get you to go to sleep with all kinds of various lullabies, but you still be fussin and cryin. I'd come home from work when they been doing this for and hour or so. I'd hold you, put on Machine Head, and you'd be out in less than a minute!"

I was nurtured on rock'n'roll from an early age.

Yea - who needs Baby Einstein products!!!! :lol:
hey aja, what a weird coincidence- my (much older) sister had a copy of that soundtrack. i'll ask her if it's the one with Ian. she still has all her LPs.