defagifying the forum


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
ok, so check this ... there was an album released a few weeks ago. It's called The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A by a band called Exodus.

Take what you know about Exodus, and don't like, and throw it out. What we have here is a scorcher!!!

It took me about 5 spins (and I don't give records many chances) but this will be a metal classic :kickass:

On first listen it really hit me hard with a barrage of riffs that almost seem indistinguishable from song to song ... and I sit back ... and realized the whole disc is 6 minutes + ditties ... some venturing into 10 minute land ... this is not the Exodus I know for 2 decades. This is over the top for the sake of being over the top ... but brutal as fuck. How can guys in their 40's write stuff like this?

Anyway ... check this out even if you were never a fan ... the tongue in cheek humour is almost gone from their lyrics ... this disc is hard and not easy to digest. Some songs have more awesome riffs than entire bands' discography.

CHILDREN OF A WORTHLESS GOD imho is up there as one of the best thrash songs ever written.

OH YEAH ... no headphones for this fucker ... cranked loud on speakers please !!!

ok ... you can go finish listening to your Agalloch song first ... :loco:
It is fucking terrible. Exodus (if you can even CALL any lineup in the past 10 years Exodus) should have given up years ago.
oddly enough this was my opinion after one spin also ... it all seemed to blend into one ... like they ran out of ideas and it was just a mess.

but it hit me hard today ...
Do you think the post #13 (currently the last post) in this thread is real?

First of all, he's responding to something that's over a year old.

Secondly, he's thinking Nico McBrain needs recognition.

Thirdly, look at his pseudonym.

I's all a bit of an obvious Bodomite stereotype there isn't it? :tickled:
oh come on guys, don't be so harsh. Lurch has been waiting 17 years for thrash to be a major genre again. Let the old guy relive his his childhood in peace.
MajestikMøøse;6683475 said:
oh come on guys, don't be so harsh. Lurch has been waiting 17 years for thrash to be a major genre again. Let the old guy relive his his childhood in peace.

:lol: ... what do you mean reliving? I am still in it
This "trash revival" (I use the term loosely as I believe that thrash was never dead at any point, and can't think of another word for the the actions of the retro thrash movement) is just making me sick of the genre.

If I hear another "thrash" (using this term loosely as well, as most of what I have heard that has been signed in this movement seems to be on the fine-line between thrash and hardcore, not that I have a problem with hardcore) band sounding exactly like every other band in the movement, which all sound like a pussified Tankard in the first place, I'm gonna start stabbing people in the eyes.

Fuck, Deja Vu.

Anyway, onto "Thrash Veterans" (Another loosely used term since with a band that has such a lineup change rate as Exodus, I don't think veterans should be the correct term for it) Exodus' latest release.

Its boring.

Tried to listen to it several times, and it just bored the shit out of me. There was nothing that made it stand out from anything else in the current scene.

I also hated the new Overkill as well... so I thought about giving up on the genre all togther. Then I heard the new Mekong Delta and realized that there are still a few bands that have a little life to them.

Had a few too many glasses of wine, so none of that may make sense.
also 100% agreed on the bullshit trash revival movement centered around bands like shadows fall. FUCK THAT NOISE. there are some really astonishing underground bands that my sister's been linking me lately like Hatchet, Fog of War, and Attitude Adjustment; also some badass south american shit like Andralls and Torture Squad. and of course all the reunions.
I really didn't like it. I thought Reli was miles over it, and I fucking HATE Reli. That, and that jackass vocalist from Lamb of God, when I heard him I just pressed skip on the track. I'm trying to push out the fact that thrash is turning into thrashcore from my mind, and here comes cameos from various core bands doing their uninspired monotonous moaning.

Only thrash album I'm waiting for at the moment is the new Death Angel. They did OK on Art, and killed me with a few awesome live shows, so I'm hoping that they still have it in them to write the next Ultraviolence.

Probably 15 years too late for that though, so its all wishful thinking.
I really REALLY dislike Fog of War, Hatchet, etc... that whole SF scene right now. They're all the same band.

And I actually like Fog of War when I saw them open for Death Angel, but then I heard one of their recordings and just said to myself "Didn't I just hear that on some other album". I think the reason I liked Fog of War at that show was because following a Nu Metal band, anything sounds great.

Avenger of Blood, check them out though. One of the few competent bands coming out of this scene.