Defeat The Lie (ex-The Quite Room)

Pretty cool mix I just finished up yesterday. A new project from some guys from the old Metal Blade band "The Quiet Room". They were a progressive metal band around in the late 90s that sort of dissolved after their first release on MB. Anyway, check it out.

what kind of processing did you use on those drums ? they sounds awesome nice natural snare! how much gain on those guitars?

The snare is not all natural. There are 2 samples mixed in but its about 50% mic. I tried to get this constant attack of the samples with the body and ring from the natural snare by compressing the snare mics quite a bit with a fast attack and release. I also started with a SSL Buss Comp on the drum buss and mixed into it a little harder than I usually do. Attack of 10ms and release of .6sec at 4:1 and getting about 4 to 6 db of reduction.

Gain on the guitars was pretty low. PRS guitar with stock pickups into my modded TS with the drive all the way down. Mesa red channel with the gain at about 12:30.
I did go for a slighty more up front and dry vocal tone. He has some cool nuancies in his lower register stuff that I didnt want to blur. That's one of the things I was sort of on the fence about at the end of the mix though. Whether the vocals were too loud or not.

Thanks for the comment!
I'd be a Mesa fan if I felt I could get a tone like this live or recorded for myself.

Has to be the boost, right? ;)

Vocals sound great at the level they are. I think vocals are sometimes a little too quiet on heavy stuff these days.