Defenders of the Faith II

Jan 31, 2009
Hi, just wondering is anyone here was going to the Defenders of the Faith show? I am going to the brixton show on valentines day :rock:

For anyone who doesn't know who it is, its headlined by Lamb of God and Dimmu Borgir this year. The support is unearth and 5 finger death punch.

Sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forum.
Excuse my ignorance but who played the last one?

And, i take it you guys think its awful because Lamb of God are laying? Or is there a strong hatred of Dimmnu around these boards?
Last one was 3 inches of blood, Devil Driver, Arch Enemy and Opeth. I went, it was pretty good. Opeth were best.

This bill is sucky. Dimmu are fun live however, their wacken show in 07 was great.