Definitive Black Metal Album

Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is probably the best black metal album ever but Transylvanian Hunger is probably the most definitive. I don't know you can't go wrong with either of those.
Blood Fire Death and Under the Sign of the Black Mark

This is the only guy in here who knows what the hell he's talking about. I came in here to point out both of these bloody masterpieces (I prefer Blood Fire Death but perhaps Under the sign is more definitive of black metal since Blood Fire Death has Viking metal in it). Now let me say I've listened to Transilvanian Hunger, Pure Holocaust, In the Nightside eclipse, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, and Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and I agree they are all nice albums but by no means the best black metal has to offer. Hear are a few classic black metal albums that are very good.

Sabbat - The Dwelling
Sarcofago - I.N.R.I
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
Tormentor - Anno Domini
Celtic Frost - To megatherion (Assuming this counts as black metal)

Please excuse me if I misspelled anything. Also remember opinions are like assholes everyone has one (and like assholes they generally stink). So don't get too butthurt if you disagree but I'm pretty sure I'm right ;D
DMDS is far too good to be the definitive black metal album.

EDIT: And Blood Fire Death is pretty much thrash metal with a couple Manowar tributes. Definitive, lol.
While I like a lot of 1st wave stuff, none of it can really be "definitive" Black Metal. 1st wave Black Metal was this mixture of genres, and it wasn't until the 2nd wave came around that Black Metal gained that definite sound, and really became it's own distinct sub-genre.
If DMDS can't be "definitive" because its vocal performance isn't traditional, then HLTO can't be "definitive" because nothing about it is traditional :) If that's your argument, you pretty much have to go Darkthrone or gtfo. Either way, I love DMDS, HLTO, Under The Sign, Pure Holocaust etc, so what's to fight about?