Deftones - Gore


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
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Not too impressed with song and even less with the production.
Koi No Yokan was such a great album. :(
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Well. It's already my least favorite drum sound on a recent Deftones album. The last two records have been SO good. Although way over-compressed, the songs were killer. I don't hate it but I didn't fall immediately in love like I did when Diamind Eyes came out.
I like the song but the cymbals made my ears bleed. Horrible. Apparently the whole mixing process was very problematic. I read somewhere they got some bigger name mixers to mix it but they ended up going back to the guy who produced the record
Where is the kick?
Apart from that, it's really the first time I listen to Deftones, and I can't say I'm thrilled...
I think that with a more post rock typed mix it could have been so much cooler!
I honestly can't stand what they've become. Give me Adrenaline or Around the Fur any day.....

Listening on laptop speakers but I can already tell this mix is weird.
I don't believe that if you liked around the fur and you listen to other heavy music, that you're not into the last two deftones records.

Just go take a hard listen to Tempest and Rosemary and tell me how you like those ones. Aside from the blatant clipping on parts of the mix, those two songs to me are precisely what the Deftones SHOULD sound like.
It is what it is. The track is alright. I really really enjoyed Diamond Eyes, I thought it was a solid record. I'm sure the rest of the songs will sound different on GORE. Just got to wait and see....
Ugh, I don't know. I guess to each his own, but I don't think the production fits the sound they're going for.

I just can't get into any of this.