DeGarmo back in the 'Ryche!!


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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There aren't enough :headbang: smileys in the world to describe my
reaction to this.


"Seattle, WA - Founding guitarist, Chris DeGarmo has rejoined his former band mates at an undisclosed studio in the Seattle area. While it cannot be confirmed at this time whether Chris has officially rejoined the band, the group is writing as a complete unit for the first time in 7 years. A representative for DeGarmo confirmed the original lineup is "creating the next Queensrÿche studio release".

Woo-hoo! I'm definitely buying the new album now :). It's supposed to be out late summer in the US.

And in semi related news Kelly Gray is producing Nevermores next album, due out June 17th :headbang:

I wonder what the next QR album will sound like, Geoff was crapping on about how he doesnt like metal much a while back, though that didnt stop them making Operation Mindcrime so maybe it doesnt matter :D
Please God don't let it be another Hear In The Now Frontier :puke:. They spent fourteen years prior to that album forging a reputation as one of the most unique, sophisticated hard rock bands in the world, then they followed the herd and went grunge. Yeah, good idea :rolleyes:.

I've not heard Q2K, but I wasn't impressed with Live Evolution. They need to pull their socks up on the new CD as expectations will be high, especially now Chris is back.

If you'll excuse me, I'm off to listen to LiveCrime again :headbang:

YAY!! Although Kelly Gray was never really the problem. You've just gotta listen to the Geoff Tate solo album to understand where QK2 came from. :(
Q2K rocks. I love it. And Geoff's solo album is pretty good too if you don't expect it to sound like Queensryche.

I'm very apprehensive about Chris coming back into the band. I've rarely liked the songs he writes (sometimes he comes out with a few good ones like Silent Lucidity and Bridge, but then he also has dreck like Lady Jane and Out of Mind, or whatever that one is). I too hated HITNF, the one blight on what has been an excellent discography.
I was by no means saying the either QK2 or Geoff Tates solo album were bad, I like them both too. :)

I just didn't (and still don't) understand why so many people seem to think that Chris DeGarmo will be the instant fix that brings back 'the glory' of Mindcrime..
Exactly. I don't know why people disliked Kelly so much. Queensryche lost nothing when DeGarmo quit IMO, and I haven't exactly been waiting with baited breath for him to come back.
I have no problem with Kelly Gray whatsoever, but the very idea of Queensryche without DeGarmo is like Zeppelin without Page or Floyd without Waters. He was a major contributor to the band while they were at their peak, and I'm confident he'll do the same thing again. What I'd like to know is why he left in the first place.
All very mysterious, wasn't it?