Deicide the hoffman bros

I was reading about the great Death on wikipedia and discovered this file about deicide.
Ahahah what a laugh!!!
Glenn married in a church ahahah not a satanic man (has he ever been? :lol:).
I always considered a big bullshit Mr Benton, you know the fact he should have died in his 33's, the inverted cross on his face and all the rest.
Cool to hear steve asheim couldn't do blast beats ahahah he had to use two sticks in a rolling manner.... buahahah
If all this shit is true or not I don't know but it's so funny ....
Too bad a good band has all this shit inside.
First 3 records are really great I miss that death metal.
kaomao said:
I was reading about the great Death on wikipedia and discovered this file about deicide.
Ahahah what a laugh!!!
Glenn married in a church ahahah not a satanic man (has he ever been? :lol:).
I always considered a big bullshit Mr Benton, you know the fact he should have died in his 33's, the inverted cross on his face and all the rest.
Cool to hear steve asheim couldn't do blast beats ahahah he had to use two sticks in a rolling manner.... buahahah
If all these shit is true or not I don't know but it's so funny ....
Too bad a good band has all this shit inside.
First 3 records are really great I miss that death metal.

That's pretty funny. I expected something like that after the way Benton bashed the Hoffmans. Plus I've though he was full of shit with all the Satanism stuff for a long time, too.
It is indeed too bad that they turned out that way, I love those old records.
I saw a documentary of these guys once, it was on a DVD of my friend, who is a fan of these guys...
man, what a bunch of retards.. that benton guy kicked a lizard and tore it's tail off.. whoooo.. how metal, and such a satanist, eh? haha... so it's true that he would kill himself once he would get at the age of 33? stupid old man now, trying to hang on to his satanic pose and attitude...

Good music though...:p
I know Joe, the old singer from Degradation. I was in a band with him for a few years back in '95 or so. Good guy, what they say is true, he was the original singer.

Also, I was told by an employee of Morrissound that Glen did not play much of the bass on "Legion". And, that some of the double bass parts had to be punched in with Steve playing the kick pedals with his hands because his feet were not fast enough. This same guy also told me that Max was incapable of playing guitar well enough, so Andres played all the guitar parts on "Arise".
puremetal666 said:
This same guy also told me that Max was incapable of playing guitar well enough, so Andres played all the guitar parts on "Arise".

I kinda noticed that from the sepultura DVD, on the earlier shows I could notice that only one guitar is clear (which by now i assume is Andrea's) and the other is kinda either low in volume or i dunno whut the hell happened, especially in the parts where andreas plays the first i thought it was a problem with the sound since they were shows from the early 90's haha, as far as the deicide thing goes since im not into them i must admit i do like some of their music but i think all the members are assholes, or atleast that whut i concluded from the "when london burns" DVD, the band interview just showed how stupid, ignorant and how cliche this whole satanist thing is, the hoffmann bros were even cockier and funnier then glen in my opinion

Jack Owen and Ralph Santolla play those Hoffman brothers songs live better than the Hoffmans. Also Steve was much better than I've ever seen him before the last time I saw Deicide play. I went in with very low expectations and was quite surprised.

I too have heard the whole satanist thing is just a stage gimmick / image.
Andy Sneap said:
just a stage gimmick / image.....never! Look I don't see a problem here, if you enjoy the records does it matter about the background of them??

:OMG: I never expected to hear someone like Andy defend Glen Benton, i personally lost all respect for Glen Benton when i saw him act like a total moron at a show here in Denmark see the story here
The reviews dosen´t do his crazyness justice, he was getting into figths with fans and disrespecting the crowd in ways i had never seen or even heard about before, i know alot of people who had been Deicide fans since the first album(myself included)who have sold everything they own with a Deicide logo on it after seeing that freakshow.
Btw i don´t think anyone (not even Benton) would burn an inverted cross into their forehead just as a gimmick
I think Kerry King put it in perspective for me. These guys don't believe in satan,they just hate the way christians force they views upon them and do all this stuff just to piss the christians and right wing's off.
This (in reference to Where She Wept) may be true, but not necessarily a good idea - they tend to get more pissed off when you remind them that atheists are underrepresented ten to one in U.S prison systems, that they have never waged a holy war or staged a witch trial, and that Norway, a country with more than seven out of ten people not believing in a god, has one of the highest standards of living and life expectancy, as well as some of the lowest crime rates, of any countries they can find (and the other Scandinavian countries are not far from similar). Or that secularists weren't wrong about the earth being flat or at the center of the universe. Or that godless materialistic scientists and baby-eating liberals have been responsible for just about everything that has brought us out of the Dark Ages. They can ignore death metal, but history is much harder to be ignorant of (unless you're Coulter or O'Reilly).

Maybe I wasn't clear...
I don't give a fuck if Glen is satanist or not, blabbermouth stuff like that etc etc
The ony thing that pisses me off is that they ruined a band telling a lot of crappy things about each other.
When I say crappy things I mean: money, copyright issues and many other things. For this kind of shitty things they ruined the band.
Read again the link I posted....
Anyway Satanism stuff and playing issues is something that make me laugh, nothing more nothing less.
Deicide is not like when I was 12 back in 1990, one of the best death metal band at that time along with the mighty Death (the best death metal band ever!)
satanist or not, I met him at a Deicide show in Atlanta around 1995. He was cool as shit and hung around outside the club after the show and talked to everyone. Even fired up a fattie and shared with all. I know he comes off as a prick sometimes but he's human just like the rest of us.