Delian League


New Metal Member
Mar 6, 2004
1 League - The Questioning.mp3

Genre: Heavy Metal/NWOBHM, Power Metal
It's really unfortunate that New Jersey's Delian League only offer this three-song taste of their excellence. While very few bands will ever match the talent and brilliance of October Thorns, Delian League come close.

Guitarists David Hatfield and Richard Broadhead had been jamming for a few years before adding vocalist Jude Andrade and the rhythm section (bassist Shane Boulos and drummer Chris Kaminsky) to complete the Delian League line-up.

Upon listening to opening song, "The Questioning," the first thing you notice is the talented singing of Jude Andrade. The bio compares him to James Hetfield (Metallica) and John Bush (Anthrax, Armored Saint), but there's a more individual character and talent which he brings to the Delian League. "Final Day" is a little more progressive in nature and Jude's vocals are not as engaging, but it's still a solid tune. The final track, "Days of Regret," shows his range and it is simultaneously Delian League's most aggressive and most melodic song.

The band is destined to release some great stuff. It seems like everyone these days is putting out albums after a few practices or even without a band intact. It's nice to see someone with patience. Delian League have presented a top quality debut.