Demiricous – Two (Poverty)

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Demiricous – Two (Poverty)
Metal Blade – 3984-14626-2 – October 16, 2007
By Ryan Starr


Man, these guys sure have come a long way. My first experience with Demiricous was an interesting one. I had just returned from to the states after my first deployment to Qatar back in 2006. We were staying the night in Baltimore before getting on a plane back to Japan. Now I had just spent over three months without seeing a live show, so I was going some pretty bad withdrawals. Demiricous were playing at the Otto bar that night with a bunch of metalcore/emo bands. Boy did they do the trick. Talk about a great show. Killer thrash with lots of energy and stage presence.

Now look at them. They just put out their second album and they’re going on tour with Dying Fetus and Cephalic Carnage. They’ve gone from touring with mediocre radio bands to the forefront of the American metal scene. And they definitely deserve it.

Now a lot of sophomore releases don’t live up to the hype created by the first album. Two is definitely an exception. This record simply crushes. The old school thrash influence is still there, but they verge on death metal in some places, with a sound similar to The Haunted or Dew Scented. And I think that’s a good thing. Progression is good, and since there is a thrash resurgence going on, something I think they helped shepherd, these new influences help distinguish them from bands like Dekapitator and new label mates Hatchet.

Thrash is back. It may not be the same as it was 20 years ago, but bands like Demiricous are bringing back a form of metal long seen as a relic. A piece of metal history that until recently was treated like a museum exhibit. But not any more. If Demiricous keep releasing albums like this, thrash will be in good hands. I can’t wait to see them later this month at the black sheep, and I encourage everyone to check out the show and go early, you don’t want to miss this.

Official Demiricous Website
Official Metal Blade Website