Demise - Torture Garden


Apr 5, 2003
Demise - Torture Garden
Crash Music - CMU 61182 - April 15th, 2005
By Brandon Strader


Scrape scrape scrape, and death comes knocking at your door as Demise scrape their way into the first song. "Torture Garden" starts up sounding like black metal, then some death metal pops in complete with gutteral vocals, which leads me to believe this is blackened death metal. Sweet. The blastbeats and double bass runs are there, and there's some great cymbal and hihat usage as well, and that's just in the first song! The tremolo notes are as fast as the double bass, which is always awesome. That kind of accuracy always enhances the experience, don't you agree?

When they rip out that first solo on "Torture Garden", which is half shred and half melodic solo at the end, you know the CD is going to be good, or at least, flashy. The reality is, the songwriting is solid, and the performances are tight and strengthened by the strong production of the album. All of the songtitles spell out the name of the album as well, which is... uhh... creative. The chorus on "Oath of Chaos" is pretty wicked, as is the solo half way through the song! It's got a wah-wah effect and is mostly melodic with some sweeps. When bands choose to shred constantly, it can get boring fast, but the solos on Torture Garden are all creative and a joy to hear. Probably the biggest downfall of the album is attempt at clean vocals. They sound somewhat yelled, but they're always out of tune and they aren't distorted enough to pass as mighty bellows. They end up sounding a bit awkward in the end.

The music is like an explosion of blackened death that must be played at loud volumes for the best listening experience. The solos in each song are top notch, and a lot of them are wah-wah solos, which seems to be an up-and-coming trend in death metal bands. Unfortunately, Torture Garden will probably slip into obscurity like a lot of unknown albums do, so check this one out! This is the Demise from Poland, there are about 7 total worldwide bands called simply Demise.


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Official Demise Website
Official Crash Music Website