Demo is up! (5 mp3's!!! Laney AMP *DURBANS*)


Jan 10, 2005
Alright, this shit is insane. I brought my friend's band into a studio and I engineered this session last night. My jaw is still on the floor. This may be the final mix, they seem to like it how it is...although there are a few changes I have in mind, but oh well it's their yanno? Anyway check it out:

No bass guitar. Guitar on left is a Schecter Hellraiser C7 w/ EMG-707's into a Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier then into a Marshall JCM900 1960a 4x12 mic'ed with the trusty 'ol Shure SM57. On the right it's a Jackson USA WR-1 Warrior with EMG-81/85, into a Laney GH100R and then into Marshall 1960a JCM900 4x12 as well, mic'ed with a Sennheiser e609 Silver and going into a Focusrite VoiceMaster Pro (don't Wee!

Comment, flame, enjoy nonetheless!

First off, i love the music, really cool stuff.

As for the sound, the lack off a bass takes away quite a few points... Will there be no bass? In that case i'd add more low end to the guitars because now there's just an empty void where the bass should be.
I'd also like to suggest a bit more high end on the cymbals etc. to give it a more crisp feel, that usually goes well with this kind of technical metal.
Other than that i think it sounds cool, music like this shouldn't be too processed...
Thanks man! Im downloading the songs now.

As soon as I listen to them I'd post again, now I have one question. If I am listening through Winamp, now, I know I can pan it Right and Left (it says right and left doh) but, is it the true right and the true left? I mean, is there any other pointer for me to difference the Mesa guitar from the Laney guitar?

You can tell apart the Mesa tracks because they don't sound tr00 metal. As we all know real metal bands don't use Mesa/Boogie.


Great job 007! :cool:
Hehe commandante has a good point about the Mesa, lol. Yeah I literally have the guitars 100%L and 100%R, so it's very well seperated. You can easily tell on the parts with just one guitar playing how left and right they really are. The Mesa/Boogie being used was kind of a surprise. I was originally going to have that guitarist use my 5150, but the only way I would record it was with a 4x12 hooked up to it...well when I wanted to mic up the combo's speakers and the 4x12, we kept getting some horrible phase issues on the two mics and the only real way around them was to use just one mic, which wasn't coming out good. So it was kind of a "hey let's *try* the Mesa real quick" thing, and it came out good though. I was surprised that it could handle the music as cleanly as it did. Thanks for all the replies guys and keep them coming!

Oh, as far as the overall mix, every time I listen to it I hear more stuff I would far on my list is this:

Brighten up the entire mix a little
Take off some of the fatigueing (sp?) high end on the guitars
Notch out some bass on the kick drum
Add some presence to the overheads
Bass-up the guitars a tad

That's it pretty much that I can hear that I really want to do so far, any other ideas?

Yeah, the mix sounds a bit sterile in general. The bass drum cant be really heard (maybe take mids out and raise highs), snare need some sparkle too.

Oh ok, I understand the panning thing, I was looking for a particular pointer to KNOW which one is the Laney cince I got my speakers all mixed up and I won't be really able to tell which is left from right. For example, take the one-guitar-riff that starts at 0:33 (on the FIRST clip), is that the Laney or the Mesa? I'm referring to the guitar that starts off alone on one of the speakers.
After listening more and more, I'm just disgusted at the guitars. But it's ok. I'm going to fix them. I think from now on I should no longer let a band *tell* me how to do my job...because look at the end result. Yuck.

I agree with impy, the sound does fit the music (which is great by the way). Cool songwriting. Didn't anyone have a bass laying around so you could at least "pretend" they have a bass player? It would sound so much heavier if it had a little meat to it.
Thanks 006. Sounds great, though my GH100TI sounds better :)LOL hehehe

I agree about the bass sound, why didn't they record a bass? Is it that the band doesn't have a bass player? In any case, I can't really imagine a bass there, perhaps a real middy sounding, scratchy bass.
There is no such thing as a "finished mix" without a bass guitar! At least in my slightly biased opinion (I am a bass player after all) :)

I can't believe that people are suggesting trying to EQ the guitars to add bass. Even though the role of a bass player in metal is underrated, a bass adds a lot more to the mix than low frequencies. It is such a dynamic instrument that if recorded properly and placed right in the mix, actually make the guitars sound, well... more METAL!
Moonlapse said:
Darn, the tone is almost dissuading me from looking at buying a Schecter C-7 Hellraiser.

The guitar is only one link in the chain... seems like you'd have to work hard to make a tone that icky.
Yeah, it's just that when you're all dreamy and star-eyed about a certain piece of gear, you want everything it touches to turn to gold :).

Anyhow, this thread's about the clip, not my guitar needs...
Danimal said:
There is no such thing as a "finished mix" without a bass guitar! At least in my slightly biased opinion (I am a bass player after all) :)

I can't believe that people are suggesting trying to EQ the guitars to add bass. Even though the role of a bass player in metal is underrated, a bass adds a lot more to the mix than low frequencies. It is such a dynamic instrument that if recorded properly and placed right in the mix, actually make the guitars sound, well... more METAL!

So you'd rather have a totally bassless mix?
Of course it would sound way heavier with a bass and you can't replace that with added bass in the guitars, but it would help make the lack of it less obvious...
The reason there is no bass is because A) The metal scene for this stuff in San Antonio is almost nothing, and B) Because the guitarists can't play the shit on a bass.

A is the reason they can't find a bass player. One, that would be into it and that also could play it. It really is some technical ass shit...the guitar tones they wanted to use just mask that to sound like generic death metal. Beleive me, I tried to compromise with them, they just weren't having it, they wanted that dirty ass tone, so I gave up and just went with the flow to move the session along. The thing is, the 21 year old guitarist thinks he's a tone guru. But that kind of gets cancelled out by the fact that he doesn't beleive for one second that mids will help him be heard over drums, not treble. He eq's his amp with almost no mids, and then scoops even more with a rackmount graphic eq. Then he adds bass frequencies that do nothing but muddy up his sound (20Hz-80Hz). And then to top it off he has the highs and presence on the Laney cranked to 15 (lol, jk.) and then he boosts them even more on the rack eq as well. The end result is actually exactly what you hear on those mp3's. I will say this, what the amp sounded like in the room, is EXACTLY how it got recorded. So thats how his amp actually sounds.

The Mesa actually sounded fine by itself, but when you add that Laney, it turns to mud too. I tried a couple of things like adding some mids and trying to pinpoint those fatigueing (sp?) high end frequencies on the Laney and notching those out, which so far has turned out better, but still lacks something. The kick drum is much tighter now thanks to ME, not the bands suggestions. I took out those useless low frequencies and gave it more of a click suited to the style of music, as well as found room to turn the volume on it down some. The guitars have been turned up quite a bit after messing with the kick, snare, and overheads..I seemed to have made tons of room for things after that.

I totally agree that a bass would have made this much easier and sounded much better in the long-run, but as I said, bass guitars make it too difficult for either of the guitarists to play their stuff on them, and there aren't any bass players in town that can play it or that are into this music. We had some video shot at the studio for their website, I'll be sure to take some clips from it of the two guitarists playing some of the riffs so you guys can see for yourself :) Anyway, back to work.

Here are my suggestions:
1.) The panning of the drum is strange. Especially the toms are LEFT, MORE LEFT and EVEN MORE LEFT.
2.) The snare is clipping sometimes. Sounds like a nasty digital over. Espacially in song two.
3.) The guitars are way too muddy and too distorted in my opinion.
4.) Everything would sound more even and less "demolike" if you lower the overheads or roommics in favour of the direct signals. Everything could be a little more direct.

Otherwise nice!