Democrats want the draft back...

Bringing back the draft will not deter war. The U.N. doing its job and enforcing sanctions would be better at deterring war. Rangel is such a stupid cunt.
A naked political stunt if ever I've seen one. You must admit, the irony of such a move is rather enormous, given the social repercussions of such a proposal were it actually put in place. Rangel's own constituency would probably howl in protest the loudest if this came to pass, as the US urban Black "community'' are generally dead-set against the Iraq war, already adversely affecting overall recruitment among Blacks in recent years.
Be careful what you wish for Charlie! I suppose he thinks this is clever, but I doubt he or his fellow antiwar party members have thought such a move through, knowing Americans would be apoplectic at such a suggestion, were it seriously considered...can you imagine the reaction among draft age college-campus Liberals?
Just when I thought that Karl Rove was the slimiest bastard to walk the planet, Rangel proves that Democrats are just as capable of playing dirty tricks.
The draft is the dumbest idea ever. The guy who proposes that has NO IDEA what is going on in the world, at all. 1 year deployments? oh waaaay cry me a fucking river. People sign up everyday knowing what is going on and what they will be forced to do. My brother is becoming a 2nd lt. and he knows he will spend time over there, no problem. We have more than enough people over there. 140,000 troops right now? Shit, the Air Force has 400,000 by themselves, and they are the smallest major branch.

No need for a draft, just a need for some good ole ass kicking operations and policies against the enemies of America.
Bringing back the draft will not deter war. The U.N. doing its job and enforcing sanctions would be better at deterring war. Rangel is such a stupid cunt.

Awesome. :worship:

He does make a good point about how can someone be for war and not be willing to participate in it. It goes back to all those fucking douchebags with the little yellow "support our troops" ribbons on their car antennas. Yeah, that's making a difference.
The draft is the dumbest idea ever. The guy who proposes that has NO IDEA what is going on in the world, at all. 1 year deployments? oh waaaay cry me a fucking river. People sign up everyday knowing what is going on and what they will be forced to do. My brother is becoming a 2nd lt. and he knows he will spend time over there, no problem. We have more than enough people over there. 140,000 troops right now? Shit, the Air Force has 400,000 by themselves, and they are the smallest major branch.

No need for a draft, just a need for some good ole ass kicking operations and policies against the enemies of America.

Yes, but being an officer is a little less shitty than being enlisted. Your brother is speaking from a higher position where he's not getting much shit on his least not as much as the other guys. Ok, it's just a 2Lt. but there's a diff between him and some poor 18 year old private who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, only he knows how to shoot.

Speaking from experience, there ARE NOT enough troops over there to completely quell the insurgency in a timely manner. It's just not going to happen. Whenever your brother gets out of ROTC or the Academy and into the real military, he'll see. It's one thing to watch the news and have an opinion; it's another to speak from experience.