Demonic Resurrection Mix - Metal from India


Jun 30, 2003
Would appreciate feedback. Reworked some tones etc.

Have got an L2 on the master bus with threshold at -1.0 and out ceiling at 0.0 and release on ARC. Got an EQ boost of 2db at 80hz and 3db at 5000hz

Will remove these, mix down and master it (yeah on a budget so have to do it myself)

But any critique on the tones etc would be welcome. :) Dreams & Darkness UniteCLIP.mp3
On headphones right now but fwiw:
The guitars sound good (laney right?), nice riffs.
The snare doesn't have seem to have too much body to it, try a different sample, (not sure really, it seems to work at some places like the faster rolls where it is not meant to be the focus but say during other times it leaves a little to be desired).
Maybe raise the drums a db or 2 also.
The background pads oughta come up just a little bit.
The other Synth thing around the middle sounds a little distracting, maybe lower it a little.
Good mix otherwise.
^^^ Thanks for the pointers.

About the snare. I got snare top and bottom which is the superior sample and I got 2 of Slates samples gogged below it. So will try and tweak that some more, any ideas on what I could do specifically in terms of EQ or compression would definitely help.

I'll upload like a mastered (trial master) version of the track just as another reference point.
I love the riffage too man, awesome :)

Also yeah that synth that pops in now and then is a bit too loud IMO.

Good job though man!
About the snare, maybe a slight reverb along with some bump in the hi-mids and some mild compression could help, imo.

To explain, I opened reaper and took 5 mins to add a snare for the intro riff and level it. I'm sorry if its not perfectly in time or I missed some, I just tried to match the transients in about 5 minutes. I hope you don't mind.
I think this sort of a sound is what you should go for (then again maybe you are going for something else) Dreams & Darkness UniteCLIP edit.mp3
Nice shit you've got there Sahil !

I can't find too many flaws. I don't know if its the loss in quality while uploading or if its just my headphones, but I find the bass a tad bit too low.
The chimes-esque synth in the middle is a bit too loud for my liking and the synth running through the whole song could be a little higher in the intro.

P.S. Dude, is that the PODX3 you're using for the vocals as well ?