Demonique from Dreamscapes loves boys


New Metal Member
Dec 3, 2002
I am tired-so tired about all this yip, yap talk about why Dreamscapes is such a great band and yadda, yadda.
Geez-what a bunch of stupid hicks.
#1 What kind of fucked up name is that. OOOOH Satan-man am I scared! Boo!
#2 French Provincial furniture is the mainstay of most EVERY white trash household around. Come on people-you are not royalty and you NEVER will be so get over it.
#3 I think Katatonia is a horrendous band too but at least they admit to their high suck factor. It's not everyday that a bunch of pickle sniffers get together and NOT jam to Streisand.
Welcome to the board.

Originally posted by Haywood
I am tired-so tired about all this yip, yap talk about why Dreamscapes is such a great band and yadda, yadda.
Geez-what a bunch of stupid hicks.
#1 What kind of fucked up name is that. OOOOH Satan-man am I scared! Boo!
#2 French Provincial furniture is the mainstay of most EVERY white trash household around. Come on people-you are not royalty and you NEVER will be so get over it.
#3 I think Katatonia is a horrendous band too but at least they admit to their high suck factor. It's not everyday that a bunch of pickle sniffers get together and NOT jam to Streisand.

This is Robert Daugherty of the band Dreamscapes of the Perverse. A friend told me about this post, and I cannot make any sense out of it. Obviously, he must be referring to us, as our vocalist's moniker (from his former band Benighted) is Demoniaque. About the Satan thing; while none of us are Christians, we do not write about Satan in any way in our lyrics. We feel that it has been overdone, plus we explore more original subject matter for lyrical material. The number 2 and 3 thing is anybody's guess, as to what he is talking about. We invite everyone to check out our website at and download our demo, should you be interested. I also invite this Haywood person to explain his opinions, to see what his reasoning is for the words he chose.


Robert Daugherty
Dreamscapes of the Perverse
either way, if his explanations are anything resembling his opinions, they'll probably sound just as stupid and non-sensical as before. It seems he has the intelligence of a smart retard (just to be realistic and give him SOME credit).