Denata – Deathtrain


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Denata – Deathtrain
Arctic Music – 2002
By Russell Garwood

Denata begin "Deathtrain" with an eerie instrumental intro, making use of organ, piano and harpsichord, only to be followed by eleven tracks of scathing death thrash. Guitar work, taking notes from the likes of Sodom as well as DM (played by Tomas Andersson), is accompanied by the death-influenced raspings of Tomas and drummer Ponta Sjösten. The bass of Roger Blomberg is further back in the mix, and subsequently has less of a presence for much of the time, while occasional intros show slightly more complex, if unoriginal, lines. Ponta’s drums are solid but straightforward.

"Deathtrain" suffers from a few problems – the vocals are quite far forward in the mix, which highlights their lack of variation and can make the music monotonous. There is also nothing particularly original going on, and all tracks follow the same pattern. Guest vocals by Toxine and Johan Larsson fail to provide much variety, and while Denata’s music may be welcomed by death thrash fans, others should be careful when purchasing.