Denata - Art of the Insane


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May 5, 2002
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Denata - Art of the Insane
Arctic Records - DE98104 - Aug 26, 2003
By Tim Blake


Denata is a hard-hitting thrash metal band that's been floating about the scene for a bit. With two prior releases, there is obviously still a lot of creative gas left in the old tank. An album cover depicting several gored, wrapped-up bodies, a release titled 'Art of the Insane', and song names like 'Marionettes of Death', 'Satanic Thrash Hell' and 'Born in Sin', all suggest heavy and blasphemous music. Describing themselves as an 80s-thrash influenced, death-metal band, Denata live up to their promises, and go further still.

'Marionettes of Death' is a solid opening with effective power-chords, loud rasping vocals and a few interesting leads and solos thrown in for good measure. 'Insomnia' has slightly more ominous riffage, accompanied by growls and strong drumming. 'Prophecies' starts with a creepy whisper before bursting into action with more of the same weighty riffs and drumming, some stop-start sections and manic vocals. A mid-song spoken passage with acoustic guitar offers some variety, and a theatrical twist. 'Whitechapel's Murder' provides more of the same. 'Art of the Insane' has a nice and short acoustic, reverb-heavy intro, leading into some stand-out rhythms. The remainder of the album, such as 'Satanic Thrash Hell', 'A World of Lies', and 'Convicted', to name a few tracks, continues this formula. The mid-paced to fast drumming, heavy rhythm-guitar and sparse solos fly by in two-three minute bursts of aggression.

In conclusion, I find myself with not too much to say about "Art of the Insane". To be sure, it is well-played, straight-edged, forward-thinking death/thrash metal. The songs are all very short in the traditional Slayer style, and the playing is fast, efficient, and well-executed. I'm afraid I find the entire album rather lacking in innovation, or any real distinguishing features, and as such it comes across as decidedly average. Not for the lack of musical skill, but more the lack of enduring riffs, and the feeling that the songs simply blend into one another after a while, especially in the latter parts of the album. This is a band that knows what it is aiming for, but this is simply not transcendent, or even particularly interesting. If you want some runofthemill thrash metal with blasphemous lyrics, this will satiate you. If you're looking for something exceptional, look somewhere else.


Official Denata Website

Official Arctic Music Website