Dendura - New Life


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Dendura – New Life
Self-Released – April 22nd, 2006
By Jason Jordan


Whereas Nile possess no traits that directly link them to Egyptian culture, other than a general affinity, the female vocalist of Dendura is actually part Egyptian. Falling somewhere between the angelic Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil) and the demonic Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy), Aziza comes across as a compromise not unlike Kirkevaag of Madder Mortem. As forceful and aggressive as the lead vocals are, the music itself is keyboard-fueled prog, which walks the line separating rock and metal like a tightrope – attempting not to sway too heavily in either direction. Admittedly, for those of you who favor the clear-cut approach, this style is not this reviewer’s favorite.

Still, contrary to numerous unsigned bands, the creators of New Life have enjoyed a heap of positive feedback since forming a mere two years ago. In addition to various newspaper articles, the Michigan-based quartet has contributed to six movie soundtracks, with negotiations for a seventh pending. One featured song has been “I Have a Gun,” which, when examined alongside the others, is a bit out of place on an album that also carries song titles such as “I, Nephthys,” “Isis,” and “Mummified.” At first it might sound as if the beginning of “I Have a Gun” is the tip of a symphonic black metal iceberg, but prog rock/metal is really all you’ll be colliding with. In fact, most of the 36-minute, middle-paced New Life has about as much bite as a toothless hobo – the pressure still inflicts pain, though the end result is less excruciating. However, Dendura’s songs are quite focused, if not overwhelmingly determined to reach their respective destinations, plus the fact that their lyrics complement the horror genre has evidently bolstered, or perhaps even triggered, their success. But – and the following applies to myriad unsigned bands – their output could use better production and tighter musicianship.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

UM’s Unsigned Spotlight with Dendura
Official Dendura Website
I am happy we got a review from Jason who at least took the time to listen to it constructively ... some people don't even write about the lyrics, sounds and elements into a review like Jason did. You can tell he took his time. Thank you for the article too. My words were completly accurate! We will be sure to send Jason our EP this coming Winter. Aziza
^Ok is there sarcasm I'm missing here?
Hmmm I read that earlier today and I didn't realize if it had been sarcastic or not. All I can say is, it's good to see the group has such integrity as to come in and peacefully reply to the review... if it had been a review for my band like that with such a low score, yeah, I'd be pissed. But these guys weren't - I don't think - so much respect for that. I'm not implying any sarcasm here and I'm not sure if they were but for the most part, I don't think so. I might check them out and see if I like them... like I said before, they did music for soundtracks... sounds cool to me. Might have to hear some of it. :)
Well the reason I said that is because he said Jason talked about lyrics, which I don't think he did. Maybe I'm missing something... Anyway, any publicity is good publicity because I wanna check these guys out now.
Jason said:
plus the fact that their lyrics complement the horror genre has evidently bolstered, or perhaps even triggered, their success.

That's enough info about the lyrics for me. ^_^
I'm gonna check them out too, yeps.
I've been pretty lazy and busy lately though. :)
Hey guys,
No it's not sarcasm at all. I am complimenting Jason for having his honest opinion and I can tell he read the lyrics (because he could tell they were written about horror stories, self empowerment, and Egytian mythology & history), our articles etc. I am not pissed at all. There are some good things in there. I even posted it in our band forum. It's all about personal taste and if that's someones opinion, that rightfully is their opinion. He actually is a good writer and I appreciate someone who writes well and takes the time to actually listen. Believe me, there is music I don't like out there and I have that right to not like that just like he has that right too. We are in the wrong business if we take things to heart that much. This is a huge message forum and either way, we are happy for the extra exposure, like you said, any publicity really is good publicity. Thank you for the read and if we reach extra fans off here, then all the better. Here is the interview if you didn't see that yet. Everthing is word for word too. XOXO Aziza
I have " new life " and I really like it. Dendura are a really good group. Its fine if you don't like their new album, but anybody whos reading this post and havn't heard it yet should really go and check it out!.
Heh cool, all of the members are sexy. Nice picture. :) Checking out this interview. :)
Dendura's album rocks!

Why do I say this?

Because when I got it, I had listened to it on repeat all the way home and for several days thereafter.
I especially like the first track, "I have a gun"
Very powerful.
All in all, listening to the vocal combined with the guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, it is a terrific combination the like I have never heard in music before. I mean the whole album is great!

Dendura is going places, thats for sure.

I also recommend track 7, "Shadowman"

You must listen! You must!

This band stole my name! Im Gonna sue u know!... jokin just give me sum of the royalties... a fiver will do... english pounds please :D
Crazy! The name came from The Temple of Dendera in Luxor Egypt, Hathor's place...but their was a soap line out with Dendera so we put a u in it and the copy wrote it under that name.

What a small world!
I have been watching this band for a long time and I am in management. I can tell the drums are off (can someone say click track to the drummer!) but I am especially into the vocals, bass and guitar. I think if they grabbed a great metal drummer, they would sound amazing. I read about the link on their myspace page and wanted to read the full review. I have to disagree with the music being boring but Jason did say, this wasn't his taste. I do like Jason's description of Aziza going from angelic to demonic. The songs are arranged well and they don't sound like everyone else. They have something good here and it will just get better in time.
I found the link off their home page for this review. I read all the full reviews and this was only the slightly negative one. Like Aziza said though, you don't have to like everything and you have a right to your opinion. I really love the band, and since the review, they replaced their drummer and added on a 2nd guitarist so they now have 2 guitarist. I heard this new drummer and guitarist are amazing from people who know them.