Deron I wanna ask u sth

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"Nigga/my pals" is considered to be a discriminating and derogatory term....Not to mention racist. So I doubt you would be allowed to use it :rofl:
"Nigga/my pals" is considered to be a discriminating and derogatory term....Not to mention racist. So I doubt you would be allowed to use it :rofl:

People who are insecure or just plain dumb get offended by such things. One of my best friends is a nigga, and he doesn't get offended by it, and he even jokes about stuff like that. It's not a big deal really, if people only had abit of self irony one could use ethnic profanities in a more humorous way.
People who are insecure or just plain dumb get offended by such things. One of my best friends is a nigga, and he doesn't get offended by it, and he even jokes about stuff like that. It's not a big deal really, if people only had abit of self irony one could use ethnic profanities in a more humorous way.

Oh yeah dont get me wrong I dont think it's an insulting term really. But the the people behind the whole "political correctness" thing do.
Oh yeah dont get me wrong I dont think it's an insulting term really. But the the people behind the whole "political correctness" thing do.

But really the other day I was listening the radio and hahaha I heard sth hilarios it was a new about the Cherokees indians, they were going to expel/ban some people of the tribe coz they have black blood :lol:, but the Cherokees with european blood were not going to be expelled :lol:
this thread is ghey cause he will warn you if you're saying something out of line... besides, you could have sent him a pm, not making a thread.

Serious discussion threads are a nice contrast to the normal "lololz" threads here imo.

i agree with the mexican in this one,

anyway, how do i call a Afro-AMERICAN that lives in Europe? :zombie:

That's why you call them black. You don't call white people living in the US European-American. Plus this just adds to my point, all this political correctness just confuses people.
People who are insecure or just plain dumb get offended by such things. One of my best friends is a nigga, and he doesn't get offended by it, and he even jokes about stuff like that. It's not a big deal really, if people only had abit of self irony one could use ethnic profanities in a more humorous way.

Just cuz your friend has no self-respect doesn't mean other people want to hear racial slurs and shit like that. (I personally am not even black and I don't want to hear/read that) Sure once an a while it's meant to be comical and that's ok I'll overlook it, I have a sense of humour, but to just say n**** all the time when referring to a black person, that's just bullshit. Why does it even matter what the skin color is.... unless it's important to what you have to say, just leave the race out of it.

That's why you call them black. You don't call white people living in the US European-American. Plus this just adds to my point, all this political correctness just confuses people.

It's not really a matter of political correctness... because I don't care it you say policeman, or etc, but this is a matter of using a bullshit word. :) there's a difference.

LOL this thread totally rules :lol:

This thread will most likely be deleted, and hopefully no bans are handed out.
About the my pals thing, I think there's a little but of overraction here. Today it seems that the n-word is a marketing thing or something. A white man say my pals on fuckin' tv, godammit. It WAS a derogatory but with all the Hip-Hop thing and the commercialization of the ''ghetto style'', it's does not have the impact it has. Plus, LOTS a blacks call themselves my pals so if it was a bad word then they would be fuckin' themselves in the ass.
About the my pals thing, I think there's a little but of overraction here. Today it seems that the n-word is a marketing thing or something. A white man say my pals on fuckin' tv, godammit. It WAS a derogatory but with all the Hip-Hop thing and the commercialization of the ''ghetto style'', it's does not have the impact it has. Plus, LOTS a blacks call themselves my pals so if it was a bad word then they would be fuckin' themselves in the ass.

no, its a double standard. I dare you to call a black dude a my pals, see what happens. and, its all about the context whether its meantto be derogatory. but, why use it, really? no real point no matter who you are.
About the my pals thing, I think there's a little but of overraction here. Today it seems that the n-word is a marketing thing or something. A white man say my pals on fuckin' tv, godammit. It WAS a derogatory but with all the Hip-Hop thing and the commercialization of the ''ghetto style'', it's does not have the impact it has. Plus, LOTS a blacks call themselves my pals so if it was a bad word then they would be fuckin' themselves in the ass.

I agree with some parts of what you said, but definately not "LOTS a blacks call themselves my pals so if it was a bad word then they would be fuckin' themselves in the ass.".... I mean there's no good use to come from saying it it's just a stupid senseless word so no need to use it, if some blacks use it then fine its their choice, but there's many who dislike the fact they do because they feel it TEACHES WHITE PEOPLE IT'S OK TO SAY IT. Weird, huh :p

Speak for yourself.
:lol: :p
no, its a double standard. I dare you to call a black dude a my pals, see what happens. and, its all about the context whether its meantto be derogatory. but, why use it, really? no real point no matter who you are.

no, its a double standard. I dare you to call a black dude a my pals, see what happens. and, its all about the context whether its meantto be derogatory. but, why use it, really? no real point no matter who you are.
A lots of words that are not suppose to be derogatory can bocome it then, it's the term as much as the context. And about using it, it's just another word like dude, 'tard or G
I agree with some parts of what you said, but definately not "LOTS a blacks call themselves my pals so if it was a bad word then they would be fuckin' themselves in the ass.".... I mean there's no good use to come from saying it it's just a stupid senseless word so no need to use it, if some blacks use it then fine its their choice, but there's many who dislike the fact they do because they feel it TEACHES WHITE PEOPLE IT'S OK TO SAY IT. Weird, huh :p

My point is, if someone use a word that is suppose to pwn ( lack of better word due to my poor english, sorry) himself, that mean that word is not derogatory anymore. If jews started to make nazist-jokes, it would not have the same impact that it have now, mostly 'cause it's just a word. Btw, I don't use the word ''my pals'' ( often).
on a sidenote...

I think it's ironic that the word "my pals" comes from portuguese "negro" which's the respectful term to refer to them(actually just a literary word for the colour 'black'). The colour is named like "preto" which's the disrespectful one, and has EXACTLY the same context as "my pals". lol eh
on a sidenote...

I think it's ironic that the word "my pals" comes from portuguese "negro" which's the respectful term to refer to them(actually just a literary word for the colour 'black'). The colour is named like "preto" which's the disrespectful one, and has EXACTLY the same context as "my pals". lol eh

I thought it came from the woird "ignorant", cause during those times most blacks weren't allow/couldn't read or write and becaiuse southern people just talk fucked up in general so that's how I thought they came to be called "n*****'s".... for slang. Weird.
dude if u think u can call black people niggas, then im gonna start calling u a spic/dirty sanchez/wetback and ur gonna be fine with it.
A lots of words that are not suppose to be derogatory can bocome it then, it's the term as much as the context. And about using it, it's just another word like dude, 'tard or G

I understand that, and its true, it is just another word, but honestly, its really unnecessary, cause it causes a lot of bullshit, which in itself (to me, anyway) is unnecessary. im not one to advocate either side of this argument but using the word stirs up so much shit, its ridiculois. I think if people would stop saying it alltogether, it'd do society a world of good.
i see much bullshit here, who here would actually defend someone, just cuz he skin colour? just cuz a person is darker, yellow or whatever?

most of people here are trying to be politic correct, but they are just fucking writting it, they are the same people that will cross a street if they see a suspect "african-american" person coming in his way
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