Describe bands obtusely


Everybody dies alone
Oct 10, 2003
Tallahassee, Florida
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Got the idea from a popular SomethingAwful thread.

Symphony X - Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and Holst rose from the dead carrying with them unholy instruments capable of transforming any classical writing into a living, breathing entity in cd format.

Madsword - In the future, the internet will develop a mind of it's own and create an album inspired by its favorite prog artists of the past and call it "The Global Village".

Rhapsody - Music based on D&D rolls.

Therion - Ashlee Simpson, trying to sing lead to a heavy metal "Phantom of the Opera".

Ayreon - The greatest vocalists alive transcend into the astral plane to narrate the most psychadelic stories in the galaxies.
Then what would Demons and Wizards be then?

Music for the compulsive masterbater?

oh, and you forgot the most important composer in the symphony X list, John Williams...