Destitute Extant (Dsbm)

Destitute Extant

New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2014
Check out this new dsbm project! If you're into atmospheric black metal, give it a listen.
Destitute Extant is based out of Wisconsin and will be playing shows in the near future!
In the meantime, check out their Youtube Channel and show support for a new project! lml
Thank you!
I'm also looking to release a split some someone, contact if you're interested.
Wrong section, but I'll say this: you are in DIRE need of some other instruments. Everything sounds like an awesome intro and then it just doesn't develop. I was liking that track and the whole time thinking "dude when the drums kick in this is gonna sound sweet" but then it didn't happen. Good vox and a nice sense of atmosphere but with nothing but a guitar going on it just sounds empty.