Dethroned Emperor - death/grind


shit man...
Nov 26, 2007
(yes, the name is a celtic frost reference, but would you rather us pay homage to stryper? didn't think so.)
I play drums and do some occasional vocals in a little death/grind band called Dethroned Emperor. We just released our demo tape, and as such are trying to get some opinions/spread the word/etc. I like to think of it as what Napalm Death would sound like if they could have listened to cryptopsy (but this is my own skewed self-view; ideally you all will be able to tell for yourselves).

We don't have a myspace, but we do have a tindeck where all the tracks can be listened to
We also have a blogspot for updates and the like:

Hopefully at least some of you check it out. If you like grindcore and old death metal you'll probably take at least something away from it!