Devil Doll

The Deathrace King

Jul 19, 2002
The Left Hand Path

How many of you have heard the band Devil Doll?

For those who have... thoughts?

I recently downloaded 'Dies Irae,' and two minutes after finishing listening to it, I promptly ordered it from The End Records.

I am currently downloading the other albums.

It is the most wonderfully twisted, eerie, and outright terrifying music I have ever heard.

... simply beautiful. :eek:
Yesss Devil Doll is cool, got it all

I saw you were listening to Comus, I've tried to find their "First Utterance" cause I read that they were an eerie folk rock band with a vocalist that sounds like marc bolan on helium hehehe... that surely sounded interesting to me. Can you agree to that statement? Where can I find their album(s)?
I only listened to part 12 of Dies Irae...but it was pretty good. I have the rest, i should listen to it later.
Originally posted by dimensionidol
they are one of my fav metal groups ever

Ummm.. what exactly does Devil Doll got to do with METAL? :rolleyes: Nothing, that's for sure.

I only got Eliogabalus on my computer, but it's really great! The both tracks are wonderful pieces of art, especially I like "Mr.Doctor". Really twisted stuff.