Devildriver Responds to Katakylsm's Rant About Not Being Picked to Tour With Opeth


Usurper of the Goat
Jan 19, 2004
Olympia, WA & Dallas, TX
DEZ FAFARA: KATAKLYSM Singer Should Listen To DEVILDRIVER Before Opening His Mouth - Feb. 4, 2004

DEVILDRIVER singer Dez Fafara (ex-COAL CHAMBER) has slammed KATAKLYSM vocalist Maurizio Iacono over his accusation that DEVILDRIVER are "trying to make themselves look real [metal] by getting on real metal tours."

In a press statement issued in December, Iacono voiced his frustration over the fact that DEVILDRIVER were chosen over KATAKLYSM to be one of the support acts on the current OPETH North American tour, saying "today is a sad day not only for KATAKLYSM, but for real metal in general... no disrespect intended towards DEVILDRIVER, 'coz I don't even know the guys personally except for the fact that there's an ex-COAL CHAMBER member... what I'm saying is shit happens, we lost the tour... so what, business is business... but to lose it to a band that comes from the nu-metal era is what I don't get, that style is dead and now they are trying to make themselves look real by getting on real metal tours. If OPETH, KATAKLYSM and MOONSPELL would be on a nu-metal tour we would all get tomatoes thrown at us, but we as real metalheads have to sit back and accept shit like this happening to our scene."

Speaking to Edmonton, Canada's late last month, Dez said, "First of all, KATAKLYSM, I bought their new album, it's great. I've never met the guys so for him to take shots at me, maybe he hasn't heard DEVILDRIVER.

"I would love the opportunity to play before, or after KATAKLYSM," Dez continued. "We wish they were on this tour with us, but when he starts calling me nu-metal and this and that, he should shut the fuck up and take a listen to DEVILDRIVER. You know, just because eight years ago I helped create a scene, that I can't fucking stand now — he should take a look at what I'm doing now before he opens his fucking mouth. . . I mean, it is what it is, and I wish [KATAKLYSM] were [touring with us as well] — I've got no hard feelings. I've got no beefs with musicians. . . I mean look, he may have a family to support and he didn't get a tour. A tour means money, so he's bitter but it is what it is." Read the rest of the interview here.
i dont like the fact that devildriver is automatically labeled nu-metal, just because dez is in the band....i discovered that they suck by hearing them play live. i guess that we all arive at the same point some how.
So he helped create a scene that he hates, so he abandoned it in hopes of going back to real metal, yet the band still play a variation of nu-metal? I haven't heard the band, so I dont know, but that's my general question, because that's what it certainly seems like here.

Iacono has a good reason to be disappointed, and he hardly took a 'shot' at DevilDriver, he was merely stating that for a band that popped from the nu-metal era to score a tour with Opeth is highly odd, having them picked in favour of a band such as Kataklysm.

Dez handled it fairly well though, but the whole 'creating a scene I now hate' sounds like total bullshit, like the 180 degree image changes that most mainstream artists go through just for more publicity. It's bullshit.. they milked the nu-metal scene for all it was worth, and now he thinks they can make an entry into a world of music where talent actually matters. (Well, ok we have our Slayers and other monotonous bands, but in general I CANNOT see a band converting from nu-metal, to oldschool).
devil driver sounds too much like nu-metal... wait... it is nu-metal.. just cause they wear shirts by real metal bands.. doesnt make em metal..
SunlapseVertigo said:
well put it this way, I have a lot more respect for Devildriver than I do Kataklysm. Kataklysm are being a bunch of assholes about this.

I agree, but Devildriver still make bad music (IMO).
The guy from kataklysm is being an asshole, but at least he's being honest...and I'm glad we still have people trying to make metal stronger. I wouldn't necessarily say "Shadows and Dust" is a true death metal album though. Devilrider...I saw them live, they are nu metal with more double bass, Iacono is gonna laugh himself to sleep when he hears that trash.
Are Devildriver Nu Metal? No Are Devildriver a horrible band? Yes. I havn't hear this other band, but they have to be better then DD, right? Anyways I'm not suprised by his responce (other than that he didn't say fuck twelve more times, cuz it seemed to be his favorite word at the concert), it is the perfect PR move to totally kiss the other bands ass.
Dreadful said:
The guy from kataklysm is being an asshole, but at least he's being honest...and I'm glad we still have people trying to make metal stronger. I wouldn't necessarily say "Shadows and Dust" is a true death metal album though. Devilrider...I saw them live, they are nu metal with more double bass, Iacono is gonna laugh himself to sleep when he hears that trash.

I agree completely. Maurizio said that if a true death metal band opened for some nu-metal band like Linkin Park they would get tomatoes thrown at them. I agree. He is merely stating that nu-metal and real metal are completely different genres. THEY ARE.

Did you guys read my review? It is on the Alberta webpage now, as well. All the Devildriver fans around me were talking about Korn and Slipknot (quite obviously nu-metal), then in the same sentence bash Moonspell and Opeth. All the kiddies at the show were screaming for Coal Chamber.

Point and match. My point is that Devildriver does not have the same fan base as 'real' metal acts. If Devildriver played in 18+ shows their fanbase would be cut by 80%. Devildriver = same fanbase as Slipknot and Korn... wether you want t ocall them nu-metal or not... they arnt as 'true' as real metal.

I agree with what Maurizio is saying, however I also agree he does sound like an asshole. I respect him for saying it, though.