Devin Townsend - Tuska 2011

tuska is way underrated. they have great bands each year, the video/sound of their festival recordings are great and finland seems cool. saw devin with cob and it was great, but sadly most of the people werent familiar and were teenage/fishnet wearing bitches. still put on a marvelous show.
Wow - what incredible production...I can't remember the last time I heard anything sound that good live, regardless of the band or the venue. I'm not exactly wowed by the song itself, but the band was tight as hell and really nailed it.
I must say, as much as I like DTP, I like SYL better. DTP is more varied and such but SYL is just so aggressive it's ridiculous. I get that it doesn't fit his style anymore and he doesn't want to do it but man, I really miss SYL and they were just constantly getting better from SYL - The New Black. I'm extremely glad I got to see them once at The Pound in SF. Seriously one of the most unique metal bands out there and having them go is a huge shame since no one can successfully replicate the style like he can do it; it's just in him and is amazing. I'd be all over an SYL reunion for one tour/album/a few shows in America.
Really? I feel The New Black is maybe the worst Devin album (not counting his ambient and noise junk) outside of a few amazing songs which aren't really SYL-sounding material, e.g. Almost Again.
no wai. I didn't like it as much as say, SYL, but I think it was definitely good. A lot of his solos stuff I simply can't get into because of some of the ambient/really weird stuff. I do like a lot of it, Oceanmachine (think thats the title) is good, Ziltoid is great, Addicted is awesome, the new one is pretty good (has some filler) but overall I like SYL better because his solo stuff is just more out there and unique yet still borrows a lot from SYL while SYL is just balls out insane devin. The New Black was kinda a cross between the 2 as it had the insane balls out SYL style but with a lot of other weird things thrown in, and despite having some filler tracks it had some amazingllyy composed stuff. I'll take SYL, Alien and The New Black over any solo stuff and would KILL to see SYL again/have them release another album. With all the stuff he's been doing if he went back and did another SYL album I imagine it would be so fucking killer because everything would be so fresh and he could go balls out on it.
I think he is done playing that style of music; his heart's not in it any more. I like that he is taking his own direction with his music, it feels more genuine than him pumping out another SYL album that isn't as aggressive and out-there as City or Alien. I personally love his new material, even the mellow stuff like Ki and Ghost.

Fantastic performance in that video. By Your Command is an awesome song! Who else could write a song that is as unique as that.
no wai. I didn't like it as much as say, SYL, but I think it was definitely good. A lot of his solos stuff I simply can't get into because of some of the ambient/really weird stuff. I do like a lot of it, Oceanmachine (think thats the title) is good, Ziltoid is great, Addicted is awesome, the new one is pretty good (has some filler) but overall I like SYL better because his solo stuff is just more out there and unique yet still borrows a lot from SYL while SYL is just balls out insane devin. The New Black was kinda a cross between the 2 as it had the insane balls out SYL style but with a lot of other weird things thrown in, and despite having some filler tracks it had some amazingllyy composed stuff. I'll take SYL, Alien and The New Black over any solo stuff and would KILL to see SYL again/have them release another album. With all the stuff he's been doing if he went back and did another SYL album I imagine it would be so fucking killer because everything would be so fresh and he could go balls out on it.

You didn't type enough. You must type more.
Dev's solo stuff is so much better than anything he's done with SYL it isn't even funny. The level of detail he gets into when layering his music is mind blowing. City is the only truly great SYL record; the others range from decent to good.