Devin Towsend's Synchestra


Jan 11, 2006
Edit *Townsends... sigh I hate not being able to edit titles. I guess I need to check my typos better before clicking 'post.'

Has anybody picked up this album? What are your thoughts? And how is the track 'Triumph' which Steve Vai performed on?

Think I might pick it up this weekend... but curious on others opinions.
Triumph is OK but I'm actually liking some of the later songs better, Pixellate being my favorite at the moment. It's a good album, definitely reminds me more of OM, Terria, and even a dash of Infinity; has a completely different feel from Accelerated Evolution (which was a decent album but not as good as his older stuff IMHO).
"Pixillate" and the last track also rule. wheee

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to play it on the air yet (it'd be nice if there's a promo copy sitting in the WREKage in-box at the radio station)........but I might not care about the legality come tomorrow night. :)
Just got my copy (with bonus DVD woohooo!) from HevyDevy today. After first listen, im digging the vibe on this disc. As already mentioned it is a departure of sorts from their last album, AE, but even better. And I really liked AE. The production is stellar, as with most Devy records. The musicianship is a step up and the songwriting is really good. I can't wait to dig deeper into this and hear all the things you can miss on the first listens to Dev's stuff. But so far its totally lived up to the hype for me. Cant wait to see these guys in Feb...twice! ;)

Ironically, Synchestra is labeled as an "import cd" at my store, so the computer had absolutely no listings for the album to be released on Tuesday. That is, until I found it today, the ONE copy we were sent and it is already claimed :( . That's ok, tomorrow will be the day this glorious album is BLASTED for all the masses to hear! And maybe then the dibs will be relinquished to me, haha!
Joel-RZ said:
I can't wait to dig deeper into this and hear all the things you can miss on the first listens to Dev's stuff.

So true!

I played "Triumph" on the air last night and noticed the subtle background voices* for the first time, thanks to the crankin' Infinities in the studio. I'd been listening to it in the car, and the bass didn't come through as cleanly.

* I really hope Devy didn't swear in the background! :ill: :Spin:
The new Devin album is by far his most versatile work to date. From the aggression of Physicist to the earthy and dense writing of Terria and the quirkiness of Infinity. Gutteral screams to gentle clean vocals, some female harmonies, raging organ and piano, fierce guitars are all present on the new disc. I love it.

Here are two reviews: