Devy - Ghost

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Now this is more like it. This is where Devin shines and absolutely destroys his peers. Simple, melodic, utterly beautiful and creative music to chill out to. Flawless and worlds better than Deconstruction. He needs to stick to this and from what he said about his next record, Epicloud, it will indeed be more in this vein. Simple songs with tons of melodies. Perfect.
Epicloud is going to be great. I have a feeling its going to be along the lines of Ocean Wave: Biomech. Lots of melodic and atmospheric songs. I just hope Devin doesn't burn himself out. He has been recording and touring like crazy.
I like this album a lot, too. very relaxing music...i listened to it in its entirety last evening on a long walk, looking at all the streetlights and the afterglow of sunset and such. quite pretty, especially the title track. it's sort of like Terria with all of the heavy parts removed and replaced with some cool folky bits. The fact that the last song shares the same guitar theme as the first song on Ki is really cool.

Out of all four of the DTP albums...I think I like Ki the best, but all four are great stuff IMO. Can't wait to hear the next album, but I hope Dev doesn't rush it. I'd be willing to wait at least a year for this, if not more...the dude needs to take a few months off, he's been busting his balls nonstop for almost 3 years now.
I totally agree with all of that but probably I would have to say that Ghost and Addicted are my favorites. I listened to Ghost last night lying in bed from start to finish with headphones, and it brought smiles to my face over and over. So many cool little parts in each song, very subtle melodies and awesome layering. It does sound kind of like Terria minus the heaviness, yes.
You can hear this kind of music in elevators and on the phone when you´re in hold. Seriously, would you listen to this if it wasn´t Devin?
You can hear this kind of music in elevators and on the phone when you´re in hold. Seriously, would you listen to this if it wasn´t Devin?

please direct me to your elevators and give me the phone numbers of people who play this music when you're on hold.

it's very beautiful, quiet music. just because it's soft doesn't mean it's muzak.
i don't think it sounds like elevator music at all. most importantly, it's nuanced...there area million little things happening in the music, like background vocal bits and ambience that really add a ton of depth. it's great music to chill out to because Devin excels at creating absorbing atmospheres where there is much more than just the main vocals/guitar/bass/drums happening, and you can just sort of get hypnotized by it. just my two cents. Then again I've been on Devy's jock since I was in high school so I'm biased.
orbsonb is correct! hypnotized is the right word. best part of dev: NO ONE writes music that sounds like his. he has a genre completely to himself. only person i can think of that makes music similar at all is enya. she has very simple, catchy songs with tons of melody. as strange as it sounds, remembering that he said he loved listening to her, I was thinking how cool it would be if they actually worked together. it would be the single most melodic record in the history of heavy music if they did it right. the vocal layering and melodies they could come up with would be sick.