Dew Scented - Issue VI

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Dew Scented - Issue VI
Nuclear Blast Records - NB 1452-2 - 2005
By Philip Whitehouse


You know, just a couple of months ago, I was wondering when the latest album by this particularly intense group of Teutonic thrashers was going to make its way to my doorstep. Having previously reviewed Inwards and Impact, I was pretty anxious to hear what this impressive act could come up with next. While I wasn't expecting a re-invention of the wheel (hell, the development between those two albums was, let's face it, fairly minimal), I was expecting a solid, fast and furious thrash album that conjured fond memories of prime-era Slayer. That would have made me happy enough. So, imagine my delight when Issue VI finally arrived, and after several weeks of near non-stop listening, it proves to be far and away Dew-Scented's best release to date.

The song structures have become more thought-out, the interplay of the twin guitar assault more intricate (yet without succumbing to Gothenburg-isms or NWOBHM harmonising), and there's even something of a subtle death metal influence rising to the fore of a couple of tracks within. Most significantly, however, Dew Scented have, for the first time in their career, managed to successfully incorporate a range of tempos into their songwriting other than 'rapid fire'. While tracks like blistering opener 'Processing Life' still strain at the leash with all the hyperkinetic fury this group have become known for, other tracks like the stand out cut 'The Prison Of Reason' take a more considered and purposeful pace. Rather than having all of the instruments fighting for room in the mix, this variance of pace gives the flesh-stripping riffage and Leffe's throat-mangling roar a lot more room to breath within the confines of the songs.

That's not to say that Dew Scented are wimping out on us though - no, the frequent Slayer-isms are still to the fore, backed up by a forceful and well seperated production and a seamlessly tight performance from all members. What it does mean is that there is far more to seperate each song from the next - a significant progression for a band whose recorded output did tend to blur somewhat under unattentive listening. Overall, this is a welcome surprise of a release from a band who, however tight and talented a thrash band they might have been, were in danger of becoming the genre's AC/DC. Issue VI is both Dew Scented most successful release to date and a strong blueprint for future growth.


Dew-Scented's Official Website
Nuclear Blast's Official Website
killer stuff .. their best one yet ... dizzying riffs and just thrash metal terror.

all the stuff that The Haunted wish they could still write ... :kickass: