Diabolo Swing Orchestra

That's too bad, that would have been awesome to see them. I have only heard the songs on their myspace, I've been meaning to buy the cd for a while now.
I am really into this band, very different, and super awesome. They would have been a great addition to the PPIX roster.
I remember Glenn applauding PPUK's decision to place D:S:O on the roster, and I was crossing my fingers that they'd come here. That would have been pretty incredible, but I have faith they'll come eventually.
killer band. heard them a while ago and picked up their debut at PPVIII. I especially like track 3. I've dubbed it "Tarantino Metal".
Yeah, I agree. I discovered them by them REQ'ing me on MS too. & They ARE diff, but definitely COOL too! One day I'll get their CD. Too many others I want right now though! :rolleyes:
good to hear all the positive reviews for the album...unfortunately i cant find it locally, i guess i'll have to order it.

They're not on a major label or even one with ties to a major label so it'll be pretty impossible to find it locally. I got mine from Laser's Edge around January but they don't seem to have it now. You can also pick it up from Sonic Cathedral (partner's with their label) and CD Baby.