Dial-up suck!!!

i disagree. my 56k connection refrains me from wasting too much time on the internet. my whole life would be virtual if i'd have dsl @ home. @ work i got some kind of what americans would call t1 connection (i think so), and it keeps me off working quite alot, so with dsl @ home i would perish for sure
I can't say i suffered when i had a 56kb modem,cause i had a good connection....
now i got an ISDN connection,which much chupier,just a button and you are online,noone chanting about wanting to use the phone and of course FASTER! :D

though it ruined my night yesterday :cry:
ADSL here....and it's marvellous!!!
and well I agree with VC, that turns your live totally virtual :D (proud of it) ;)

and yeah, 56 sux and well I've tried ISDN and also sux!!! (at least to me!)