Dialogue, Monolouge, Speech, Debate, anything interesting....


Sep 6, 2002
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OK...This porbably isnt the BEST place to ask this question. But here we go, Im looking for an audio CD or something like that (ill take text) that has some interesting debates, speeches, monologues, whatever....anything that has some interestiong topics to discuss. Audiobooks, poetry, interviews...something that I can listen to and get some great perspective on culture, drugs, sex, religion,...you name it. If you get what Im talking about let me know. Something redent (not shakespear!...although hes genious) Im talking about current events here. Something you and I would find interestiong or relate to. Books like Trainspottion, and Requem for a Dream are great examples on how drugs shatter lives. A book about a young adults life, or an audio CD like Henry Rollins and his story about his band Black Flag.
But im getting ahead of myself. Something (preferably audio-CD) that has spoken words that are interesting, thought provoking, innovative, etc...