Dick, meet Taint.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Dick was making fun of this band's name a while back, so I thought I'd let him taste some Taint. The band is sort of along the lines of Burst, Isis, and so on, but they're on Rise Above (Candlelight in the USA). So you know they're not just another clone of those bands.



I'm too lazy to post any yousendit crap. But if there's any interest, I can later.
On second thought, just listening to that one sample seems almost pointless. The album REALLY develops itself as it progresses. It starts out pretty much on the noisecore side, then it moves toward some Isis type stuff, then it moves into some crusty doom-punk stuff. I'd be happy to send you a zipped file of the entire album if you want.
Sounds awesome, but once again, I'll have to wait until I get on my laptop again (I can just picture my mom's reaction when she sees a big file saved on her computer called Dick-Taint :lol: ).
Nate The Great said:
On second thought, just listening to that one sample seems almost pointless. The album REALLY develops itself as it progresses. It starts out pretty much on the noisecore side, then it moves toward some Isis type stuff, then it moves into some crusty doom-punk stuff. I'd be happy to send you a zipped file of the entire album if you want.
I'd love to hear it. You recommended this to me the other day, and the sample is pretty promising. I understand if you want to wait for Dick's computer shit to get worked out, but please consider letting me know when the time comes.
I'm out of town for a few days, but Tuesday night or Wednesday or Thrusday or something, I'll zip the entire disc at 192kbps and post it in this thread. If I get sued, you guys can chip in for court costs.
Did you get this or something?

I love it. Better than Burst 'Origo' in my opinion. At times that get to spazzing out on a riff that just keeps evolving, like Isis, and other times they really get into an awesome passage like Mastodon. But they never sound too much like either band.
That Sabbathy riff came out of nowhere. Vocals sound like latter-day Neurosis.

My taint has been tickled indeed.
Unhinged: Just send me your email address. I'll upload it to Yousendit and send you the link. I decided I didn't just want to post an entire album for everybody to have.