did anyone ever...

col said:
As an outsider from the forum, from what I've read here the normal behaviour seems to be pretty much slagging everything off that you don't like and then patting each others backs for doing so.

I was browsing the forum the other day when I posted the thing about my band's review... and came across some stuff I thought was pretty un-professional.

I was pretty disgusted with the Madder Mortem > Atrox thing. It seemed like a bunch of 14 year old nerds using the internet to say stuff they probably wouldn't say offline..
Comparing the experience of hearing a band to being anally raped is not even close to being professional in my opinion. And mocking people who try to defend the band because of their english skills is pretty low, don't you think?

So if you're on a crusade to "keep" your site a professional thing, maybe you should do more than just delete the threads that get out of hand, and perhaps think about what you actually write in the threads before they get out of hand.
Oh yeah, I'm just dropping everything to get your review posted....
Oh and by the way, I didn't delete threads because they got out of hand here at RC. Fuck that. I deleted them because they had become a haven for CoB cunts like Stun and EagleFlyFree to come here and spill their garbage all over this forum AFTER shit had started over at their forum.

The interforum battle is just so fucking brave when those fucks start attacking my two year old daughter. If that's the case, since I only have control over what gets published here, then absolutley I will delete - and keep deleting - until the cows come home. And guess what? If I hadn't deleted, then Russell, Dill the Devil, or even Mark would have - they certainly did delete threads at the CoB forum. Unless anyone forgets, there are actually rules and guidelines that UM moderators follow to a tee, and rightfully so.

I will delete anything that pertains to innocent individuals that can't defend themselves. Otherwise, fair game. Bring it on.

We all know it was EagleFlyFree, but I assume UM moderators need ample proof before banning him from UM, since he was a cowardly cunt who made up a fake pseudonym. That is one individual who deserves to have his throat slit from ear to ear.

P.S. After confronting EagleFlyFree about this on a PM, he refused to respond to me. Stun did, and made peace, but EagleFlyFree did not.
YEah probably.

JayKeeley is King (aka moderator) in this parts, don't defend your actions. THey were just! JUST I SAY!!! :loco: