Did anyone see Ozzy on tv last night?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
For the NFL kick-off game at Foxborough....

So now he's LIP-SYNCHING to a TELEPROMPTER?.... too fucking funny...you'd think he'd remember "Crazy Train" by now. :lol:

He looks like an old lady too. :loco:

Zakk Wylde on his bullseye guitar, Mike Inez on bass, and that Roddy Bottom fellow from Faith no More are still hanging around (and you can't really take anything away from that trio...).
It's quite sad. Sharon, let that old man rest already!!! Just because you couldn't get anyone to watch that retarded talk show with you sitting in bed, or get anyone to take your daughter's music career seriously is no reason to put that old man thru more. He has earned his rest.
Zakk Wylde on his bullseye guitar, Mike Inez on bass, and that Roddy Bottom fellow from Faith no More are still hanging around (and you can't really take anything away from that trio...).

those guys must be super well paid ...

Wylde, I liked in the early days, he was quite a charming chap ... but since this biker persona came about ... pfff
ozzy has pretty much always sucked, or at least since... oh i dunno, 1979 i guess. but THIS:
JayKeeley said:
Zakk Wylde on his bullseye guitar, Mike Inez on bass, and that Roddy Bottom fellow from Faith no More are still hanging around (and you can't really take anything away from that trio...).
is exactly why a lot of unruly music has come from his albums. always been surrounded by great musicians.

who is playing drums for him now? one time i saw him in concert it was that dude joe holmes on guit, and then THE RHTYHM SECTION OF THE GODS puffy from faith no more and robert trujillo from suicidal. that ruled.
lurch70 said:
Wylde, I liked in the early days, he was quite a charming chap ... but since this biker persona came about ... pfff

Yeah, Wylde pre-redneck hick days was outstanding. Just listen to the riffs/solos on "Miracle Man" and "Breaking all the Rules".

One Inch Man said:
ozzy has pretty much always sucked

Shut it. :tickled:

Ozzy from Blizzard through to No Rest is unruly. :kickass:

who is playing drums for him now?

Isn't that Roddy Bottom? It's whoever the drummer was for Faith No More...

Where the hell is Jake E Lee these days (other than when he's stuck in swampblues rock that's only available in Tokyo). Man, that guy should get back into metal....
JayKeeley said:
Shut it. :tickled:

Ozzy from Blizzard through to No Rest is unruly. :kickass:
whatta matta, you reading comprehension a bit low today? :dopey: i said OZZY sucked, but his BAND always ruled, therefore i LOOOOOOOOOOVE those albums. well, blizzard, diary, and no more tears at least. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Isn't that Roddy Bottom? It's whoever the drummer was for Faith No More...
that'd be puffy, and i always forget his real name, haha (mike bordin, just looked it up). either way roddy bottom was the keyboard player for faith no more, i thought that's what you were talking about and stuff.

puffy is seriously one of the all time greatest drummers EVAR and completely underappreciated. at least he's probably making good cash though, still playing with ozzy.
lurch70 said:
The Ultimate Sin ... that record is sooooo underrated.

"You took advantage of things that I said, now the feeling is dead....and that's the ultimate sin!!"


"Killer of Giants" = Jake E Lee at his finest (quite possibly)...that solo... *drools from knob*
One Inch Man said:
whatta matta, you reading comprehension a bit low today? :dopey: i said OZZY sucked, but his BAND always ruled, therefore i LOOOOOOOOOOVE those albums. well, blizzard, diary, and no more tears at least. :loco:

Again, shut it. :loco:

So you haven't heard "No Rest..."??? "Fire in the sky....can't you see that all my castles are burning"...cue Zakk Wylde riffs and trademark squeals. Squeal boy! Oink oink. :loco:

mike bordin

That's the one. The one with the dreads. Yeah, a gig with Ozzy probably pays well.
"hi i'm mike bordin, and i have the most powerful snare drum hit the world has ever seen."

anyhow, i can't remember last i heard no rest, sin, and... i think i'm missing one before no more tears, but i don't remember digging on them incredibly much. although i guess i should own a jake e. lee album since i don't, hmm...

i've said it before and i'll say it again though: nothing shows how metal you are than by how many ozzy osbourne solo albums you have in your collection. not maiden, not sabbath, not priest, not slayer, no. ozzy. solo shitz. that's it.
so hey, did those remasters where sharon removed bob daisley's and lee kerslake's parts ever come out?

i mean yeah i love trujillo and bordin but i DO NOT want those.

edit: d'ohkay, it was only for the first two albums i guess, which i already have. either way, that's like the vilest thing sharon ever did. what a cunt.
Yes, I saw it and was embarrassed for him. Sharon is running that man into the fucking ground. He needs to grow some balls and tell her enough is enough, unless he has something to do with it too. I highly doubt we'd be seeing him still if it wasn;t for that cuntbitch Sharon though. He should have finished the job of choking that bitch back in the 80's.

that image is blocked for me at work and from this discussion i'm not really sure i want to see it! o_O