Did anyone see the Spike TV scream awards last night?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Fuck me, Jessica Alba looked stunning (and I was never much of a fan)....

....but kate Beckinsale. Oh man, the crowd was stunned in silence. She is mindblowing. It's unreal just how hot this woman is.

Don't ask me about the awards. I think Devil's Rejects won something because I remember noticing Rob Zombie's wife and how great her legs looked in that micro denim skirt. What a slut. I love her.
I thought about watching it since i was already watching the Shamrock/Ortiz 3 fight but ehhh. I was playing CSS as well so i just turned it off after UFC so i could better concentrate on just how much i sucked at the game :/

Also Alba>Dawson
JayKeeley said:
....but kate Beckinsale. Oh man, the crowd was stunned in silence. She is mindblowing. It's unreal just how hot this woman is.

hell yes! and she has a fucking kid. I loved the Underworld story and action and effects and everything. but having her in it makes it 1000x better.
If you be talking about who is the hottest of the hot, then height automatically becomes a factor. If you're just talking about attractive chicks at a restaurant or whatever, then height isn't so important. Important yeah, but not so much that'd make a difference. That said, in a battle of the hottest, Adrian Lima>>>>>>>>>Kate Beckinsale. (well, yeah, she's even more beautiful, but she's about 9 inches taller too).
This is all factual, of course.