Did things not work out?


Jan 11, 2006
Did you not get the call? Didn't get the answer you hoped for? Just curious on the reason for the wait.

Hope things did work out for you, and if not, that things do soon.
I'm guessing they had too much invested in a particular headliner, who they thought would confirm sooner. And since their back up plan is probably a significantly less appealing option, in a year that they're trying to grow the fest, they've been forced into a waiting game. Of course, that's only a guess.

Hopefully the waiting game will end very shortly, and the CPF will have a headliner that appeals to the majority of metalheads out there. I think that a knockout headliner is needed to get the kind of sales that everyone is hoping for. Do you have any updates you can share with us, Rob?

I'm guessing they had too much invested in a particular headliner, who they thought would confirm sooner. And since their back up plan is probably a significantly less appealing option, in a year that they're trying to grow the fest, they've been forced into a waiting game. Of course, that's only a guess.


BINGO!! Thanks for interjecting your wisdom, Zod!!...To not only this thread, but a few others.

To be honest, we're currently waiting on the band's agent (who is already cool with the offer/deal) to track down all the band members to get an answer from them, in case there are any scheduling conflicts. Apparently, one or 2 of them were/are away from home this last week or so...and hard to get a hold of.

Basically, either you guys wait, or we go with our Plan B...and trust me, it's worth the wait.

If anyone is in the Chicagoland area, you have no excuse but to wait it out & not worry about it. If it's a matter of whether or not to book a hotel, then BOOK IT...you can always cancel without any penalty. If you're considering making other plans for that weekend...consider it very carefully. :p

If anyone lives outside the Chicago area & you're waiting on the headliner in order to make travel plans, then sorry for the wait...at this point you need to either have faith in us & go ahead with your travel plans, wait it out & risk possibly paying more for expenses, or just make the decision not to go & risk being really dosappointed that you really really want to go but can't anymore.

Can I get an AMEN!?!? :p
Cool to hear Rob.
Hope it all works out.
Can't wait for the "Tell All" after the festival.....

There will be no "tell all" after the fest so please don't
expect one! Rob, John and I discussed this and it's just
not in our best interest nor in the best interest of anyone
else involved. Sorry, it's just better that way.
That's totally understandable.
I was actually going to edit my post.
I am sure you wouldn't want to say, "Well, we had issues with BAND #1, or BAND #2 was unavailable" since you might want to work with said band in the future.