Did you ever want to beat up Corey Haim and Corey Feldman? lol

>>>>>>>your favorite movie
Hhahhah! it really is kind of an entertaining game.

I can't think of Feldman with out thinking of that scene in the Lost boys where he was singing in the tub. haha.

I haven't seen the reality show yet, have any of you guys? Any good?

heheh, so your not going because they are going to be there Will?
:tickled: well, I already met most of the people at the convention that I wanted to meet... and really, I don't feel like standing in a line for 6 hours just to meet one of the Coreys
Hhahhah! it really is kind of an entertaining game.

I can't think of Feldman with out thinking of that scene in the Lost boys where he was singing in the tub. haha.

I haven't seen the reality show yet, have any of you guys? Any good?

heheh, so your not going because they are going to be there Will?

oh you totally ahve to watch the reality show. Haim is like Sebastian Bach, he just never grew up. He is completely hyper and like a 12 year old.
They usually show several in a row on Sundays. I'd start there. This season is pretty exciting too because one has tried to change and grow up, the other hasn't and it finally came to a head.

They went from best friends to basically hating each other. Haim also indicated that Feldman let him get molested as a child by one of Feldman's closest friends. People have speculated based on the coversation that is was Michael Jackson.
Wow, I'm going to check that out and just jump in. I can't believe I haven't started watching it sooner since i love my reality shows. Some of them anyhow. But that's pretty much how I've had to watch Tori and Dean INN love. I just never knew when it was on. So I am kind of scattered through the three seasons.

I also adored Kathy Griffith my life on the D list. I missed a bit of the current season on that one too :(. Part of the problem is that I just don't want to watch much TV, so I end up missing shit I like. I missed much of the Hilander series when it was on this way too. :(