... did you know?

Being 16 years old is nothing rare..

Dan Swanö from Edge Of Sanity was 16 or 17 years when they got signed. They wern't allowed to sign the contract, to their parents had to :)

And also the frontman of The Covenant also where just 16 years old, and Goth Gorgon from Mörk Gryning..
I can go on forever :)
Jason Newstead was around 14 when he was with Flotsam and Jetsam. I think the guys from Carcass were pretty young when Reek of Putrefaction was released.
I don't get it, I've read he was born in the early 60s before, but how come Metallica celebrates his 21st birthday in that Year and a Half in the Life Of video, from 1992? I haven't watched that video in about 8 years though, maybe I was young and dumb and missed the joke. :lol: