did you realize how these black metal bands are contradictories?


Aug 10, 2002
1)i was reading an interviem with Silenoz (Dimmu Borgir) and he said something like that they're still a black metal band, linked with satanism and that christianism is a lie.........

well, if christianism is a lie, so does satanism 'cause it is cristianism creation,hum?

2)i was reading a interviem with the guy from Satyricon (i don't know how to write the name) and he was saying that they did a cover from a brazilian band called Sarcófago.

well, i supose you guys know this band is or used to be nazi...so, a nazi band covering a song from a latin band??

no more words...
yeah, i don't like most black metal because they tend to be nitwits.

although the answer you're gonna here for that anecdote is, 'satanism' doesn't really have anything to do with 'satan'
Actually I think it is somewhat appropriate that a neo-nazi band should conver a song by a band from S. America given that a fair number of nazi fugitives sought sanctuary in S. America after the war and the ensuing war crimes trials....
Yeah, I don't see much of a contradiction at all...when I think Nazi buddies, the nations that first come to mind (after France [ha-ha] and the Middle East) are all South American!

There's several distinct schools of Satanism, one of which being the simple DO WHAT THOU WILT sorts (which don't need Christianity to exist), but I understand a lot of (black) metal bands say they adhere to the magic-and-daemons school of Satanism, which DOES require the Judeo-Christian system to be essentially true.

On a related note, I've been searching for a picture I once saw of Anton LaVey wearing the silliest red-hood-and-horns devil suit possible. If you run across it, please post!

this is the best i could do so far.
There are definitlytwo schools of satanism, the first being the Lavayian school which is basically Humanism with a few choice word changes and a scary name. Then there is faux satanism which is falsely practiced by the black metal dudes, in otherwrods they jsut do it, like everything else, for the image becasue in black metal your image and how evil you are is mroe important thatn how well you can play yor instrument. The other thing about faux satanism is that basically its inversed christian teachigns, rather than (insert holy figure here) you have satan or (insert evil figure here). S. America isn't national socialist its facist
Originally posted by chupe666

What's a parody?


Ridiculous imitation of a group or stereotype..hey, let me check my Irc logs of dum.. tr00 black metalheads.

<tr00Black> racism, rape, nazism, satan, murder, sodomy. if it's evil, we support.
[23:17] <tr00Black> this is how metal should be.

[00:02] <tr00Black> Lobo likes maudlin of well. trendy scene shit death metal.
[00:02] <Lobo> tss tss
[00:02] <Lobo> you wish you could kiss my ass just because i like Maudlin

talking about black metal gigs
[00:04] <BlackPreppy> yes. if you don't like blood and guts thrown at you. FUCK OFF!

<tr00Black> we are warriors of death. we will fight disease with knifes that cut deep.

<tr00Black> satan is metaphor for true black essence. anti-existance, purity of essence in black spirituality. spiralling voids towards inhumanity, the darkness of soul and mind united at the end.

<BlackPreppy> corpse paint protect our true identity

<BlackPreppy> gayness is essence of christian humanism, weakness, trend and socialist judaism.

tr00Black> hah. "kicks ass". trendy expression.

[00:18] <tr00Black> we support war.
[00:18] <tr00Black> we promote hate.

<tr00Black> we support all oppression of people. all dictatorships. hitler, stalin, ceacesceu...

[01:07] <tr00Black> no need to spend time with trendies. will kill you when moment comes.
[01:07] <tr00Black> until then, live in fear.

[22:45] <tr00Black> death metal is for happy kids who want to have a funny hobby after school.
[22:45] <tr00Black> we worship death. i have no feelings left.
[22:45] <BlackPreppy> I almost don't eat, I weigh 50 kilo. I am then drunk after 5 beers still I am (actually) an alcoholic. I drank so much that my kidney collapsed, so in the future I can only drink 3-4 days a week (that is unless I don't start eating much more!)
[22:45] <tr00Black> death is for fun-loving happy kids with entombed shirts and adidas shoes.
[22:46] <tr00Black> i sacrifice my blood to the only true lord of darkness. black metal is not for trendies.
[22:46] <BlackPreppy> black metal is ugly, hence the ugly sound
[22:47] <tr00Black> we hate nice sound on albums.
[22:47] <BlackPreppy> We love darkness
[22:47] <tr00Black> nice sound is for band with social conscious lyrics
[22:47] <tr00Black> we hate them. metal is supposed to be the raw essence of death, satan and destruction.
[22:47] <tr00Black> panzerfaust will be out in 1994. panzerfaust is a war machine.
[22:47] <BlackPreppy> We wish to state that black meta is beyond criticism, and any man who attempts to do so should be thoroughly patronized for his obviously jewish behaviour.
[22:48] <tr00Black> death metal trendies are obviously infected with the jewish conspiracy.
[22:51] <tr00Black> obviously he is frightened of the black metal Inner Circle
[22:51] <tr00Black> as he should be, or we shall cut him up into small pieces..
[22:51] <tr00Black> we worship none but the true black essence of Satan, our master
[22:52] <tr00Black> you are a death metal trendy fun-loving kid. we really hope you come to norway.
[22:52] <BlackPreppy> then we will kill you and shit on your body
[22:52] <tr00Black> and sacrifice you to Drol Natas, the infernal lord of hell
[22:52] <BlackPreppy> and piss on your grave
[22:53] <tr00Black> doom is trendy shit music for happy trendies
[22:53] <tr00Black> only black metal is true, only satan is real
[22:53] <tr00Black> death is certain, life is not!
[22:53] <BlackPreppy> we should all be slaves to satan!
[22:53] <|Cl-Hook|> welcome to the Stupid Stereotype Evening, guys :p
[22:53] <tr00Black> we hate freedom.
[22:53] <tr00Black> we want all people to be slaves under the one lord of true evil
