Didn't realize this was here...


Loving gloomy Phoenix
Jul 21, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
I've been lurking on the Symphony X board for a while, and didn't realize this was here. I guess I'll take a moment to introduce myself.

My name is John. I'm living in Phoenix, AZ, regretfully. I've been into rock/metal since my first Kiss album in '77. Aside from Symphony X, I'm also into a whole slew of different bands in different genres. I've been involved in music most of my life, so I've often had to play other things beside rock or metal, and I've garnered an appreciation along the way. I like jazz, classical, some pop, classic rock, some rap/hip-hop, etc. If it's good, I'll probably listen to it, though I'm probably not a dyed-in-the-wool fan. I reserve fanaticism for metal and prog. :rock:

I've traversed a number of fan forums, and Symphony X's seems to have some nice people. I hope that it continues.

Cheers! :kickass: