Die VultureCulture!!!

Now this is a shame.. i once had run into a page with a whole bunch of paperclip jokes, but my careless mind has no chance of remembering.
I could give it a good search though, if people here want me to :)
Hehe, paperclip. Once elsewhere this guy posted that he loved the MS Word paperclip and it was his only friend, even if he didn't know it's name. Someone else suggested he jab the paperclip into his left eye. :lol: <---A useless story

@Thanatos: Do you want VC to die because he was competing with you in that Picture Thread? Hehehehehe

I think we are making phyre angry with these threads. :p
Karl??? so he even has a name in Germany, I'm surprised.

@mousewings: yeah I've developed a bitter hate towards VultureCulture for shortening my chances of marriage with you :p
Uhhh.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Interesting that the paper clip has a name; here we call him Clippy, or so that's what that self-mutilation promoting guy said.
VultureCulture, you've got my full support, your new avatar is simply hilarious and really cute :)

Alfred (thinking about taking a Care-bears-like avatar in his next incarnation... :p)
:lol: i simply fell in love with scrat's character the very first time i saw it :)
btw, i can't wait to see the movie, i hope it'll be in theaters soon (in italy we usually have to wait some months... :cry: )
dubbing, what a #@%!*&X$°#!! thing :bah:
I haven't seen Ice Age yet. I'm going to, also. I have two avatars with Scrat; I'm going to use them in the future. :) I love mices.
me too :D

the only animals i dislike would be monkeys and horses... a horse nearly killed me when i was a kid, i think i got kinda shocked and never removed it :ill:
Ooh, that is too bad and pretty scary.

I don't really like monkeys either or cats.

Sometimes animals act strangely around me. These dogs once kept staring at me and following my movements with their eyes. My friend was there and they did not react that way to her, only to me.

I love rats, birdies, penguins, mice, and bats (especially vampire :) ).
:cry: this is very bad :(
i love horses, always did, they are adorable and very smart animals.
it didn't do it on purpose rei :cry:
I've got no probs with horses, but I don't like them in a special way, aesthetically speaking. I really do love cats (mousewings's mice, beware :D ). Oh, and cartoon-shaped paperclips, too :p
