DIEMONDS Release New Music Video Featuring Deaner From FUBAR; Announce More North Ame


New Metal Member
May 17, 2012
Rome, Italy
I didn't know where to post it, if I'm wrong I'm sorry.

So this guy wants to buy this guitar from me. He told me that he lives in the UK (I live in Italy), and asked for my paypal account. He also asked for some pics of the guitar. So he told me he would have payed me the money of the guitar and of the shipping tomorrow morning on my paypal account and after I had to tell him my address so he would have sent a courier to pick the guitar. I don't know anything about this person, just felt that something was wrong. His account on Mercatino Musicale (an italian site for music ads) was created the same day he sent me a mail for the guitar. What do you think? If he claims to paypal that he didn't receive the guitar, maybe could paypal someway 'protect' him and pay him back the money, although he received the guitar?

What do you think?

Sorry for any english mistake in the post.
Sounds fishy. Personally, I'd never use PayPal for that kind of deals because PayPal always protects the buyer, never the seller. I know several cases of frauds where someone sent a perfectly ok product, and the scumbag buyer claimed he didn't get it or the product was damaged, then got paid back by PayPal and additionally the legit seller (who didn't do anything wrong at all) got his account frozen and lost his guitar/studio gear and all money on the paypal account.
Just request him to pay by bank transfer (no cheque!) that way the payment can't be called off so you have the money guaranteed, or let the courier give you the money in cash (again, no cheques or PayPal for people you don't know).

That's just my personal opinion though and only counts for people I do not know at all.
lol another fucking piece of shit

id kill all those bastards<

the same happened when my gf was selling her car, some dude from the Ivory Coast (dunno if its how you call it in english)..anyway, in africa... wanted to "buy the car" and have someone the next day come and get it.

Yeah fuckin turd i live in the middle of quebec, piss of
(lol we were selling the car 1k$)
Ya I believe he's piece of shit too. Don't know if it's worth it to ask him for a bank transfer. What do you think?
Thanks everybody for the answers. I asked him if we can arrange a bank transfer and he told me he 'can only do paypal'. I will not do this, feels too bad for me.