Difference between Randall T2 and T2 Heaven&Hell

Hi there,

the difference is in the EQ as well. The HHT2 has more "presence" and more kick to it. It's a little bit more adjusted to my own tone which has lots of mids and high frequencies.

The Randall guys have said that it's probably their best sounding amp so far from their T2 & V2 series.
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Hi Gus,

hey, a big honor to have the question by the mastermind himself! :headbang: Nice to see that you really care about the people out there...surprisingly as it was in Hannover on your headliner tour where I had the chance to speak to you :)

Cool to know that there IS a difference - due to the fact that I also got a endorsement from Randall recently I'm curious to hear the difference. I ordered both amps but the T2HH won't be available before 3-4 weeks.

Will be interesting to see if the T2HH also can manage more modern stuff. As much as I like your personal sound but our band more tends to be a mixture of power and melodic thrashmetal with a more modern sound, see?

Have fun in Luebeck tomorrow!
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Congrats on getting an endorsement!

Hughes & Kettner contacted Alan the other day offering him a deal with their Switchblade TSC amps. He's in a band called Switchblade Scream so I find this genius! Haha.

I think the HHT2 is a sexy amp ^_^

xx Kirsty
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Cool thread and pretty cool that Gus joined it :)

Does someone know what settings on the T2 Gus uses? I intend to check out the T2 in the next week (hopefully) and it'll be cool to dial in his kind of tone...


PS: Grats Matze, cool deal, I really envy you!

Just to conclude this topic - I now received the Randall T2HH and it definitively kicks ass :headbang:

And YES, it is capable of getting some very wicked modern type of sound. I made up this little video of the T2HH directly after unpacking the amp in our rehearsal room - so there is room for finetuning to make this beauty some even better!

Check it out if you interested in the amp (and please ignore playing mistakes if you find one :Smug:)

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