Difference between SE Electronics SE2000 and SE2000A


Jan 19, 2009
According to the website it says that the a has 'a' low cut filter but in the pictures it looks like they both do?



I own an SE Electronics X1 and it's probably one of my better purchases mic-wise I've actually used it for everything prettymuch. It sounds crisp and clear on vocals (including screaming) and it does justice acoustic guitars. I recorded a shitty ancient nylon string acoustic with it and sounded taaasty, I've even used it as a room mic and centre OH for drums and really surprisingly it sounded pretty good on that too. The bundle I got came with their metal pop shield (which was crap I put some old tights over it) and their reflection filter which has been really really useful for vox. The 2000/a sounds like it would be awesome and from what I know of SE definate value for money.

Hope this has helped out a bit.
Thanks for your suggestions! I think i'll buy the Sm7b!

I also want clearer/better DI's than with only my Presonus Firepod.
Should I buy a good DI box or a Mic/Instr. Preamp like the M Audio DMP3 for Guitar and Mic?