Different "styles" of compression?


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2013
I hear people talk about using different styles of compression and tossing around terms like VCA and such, and was wondering what the difference is between them? Is it the coloration of the sound? Is it the way the compression acts when it kicks in? Do these differences vary when in plugin form instead of hardware form?

I have read several articles from just Googling around but I'm getting some misinformation/conflicting info on the subject. For example I've read some people saying that these differences are not the same when in the digital realm. I've also had some issues with the knee on certain plugins not matching what they are supposedly modeled after. Figured asking here would help clear things up.
different detection circuits. some are voltage based, some are light sensor based etc. all have the same core idea behind them of automatic gain control, but the ways in which it is obtained are different, resulting in different characteristics. Ermz summed it up nicely in the mixing guide.